# of watchers: 28
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2005-05-11 [Solitiaum]: Oh wow.... I didnt realise just what a good idea this was! o_o;
2005-05-12 [Dwemer]: Well it was ^_^ *smiles and hugs*
2005-05-19 [Ajsinnott]: hope you like my q
2005-05-21 [Ajsinnott]: do u like my poll
2005-05-21 [DenDen]: it's pretty cool
2005-05-21 [Ajsinnott]: thanks
2005-05-21 [DenDen]: yw :)
2005-06-21 [Amalaswinta]: hmmm.... judging that single last entry someone doesn't like the koalas very much ;-)
2005-06-26 [Goodbye EP]: [Dwemer], The wiki page is getting too big.
2005-06-28 [Kosumo]: Mine is highly of importance! It should be used...besides
2005-07-01 [Solitiaum]: I dont.
2005-07-02 [Celtore]: me neither
2005-07-06 [The Darkest Star.]: Or me.
2005-07-09 [Ultiem]: I got an idea to draw elfpack attention and money
2005-07-09 [Solitiaum]: Oh?
2005-07-09 [Ultiem]: thats a letter yes indeed
2005-07-12 [FireGypsy]: for the poll up, i think it should be reworded to "delete all selected messages" because some read messages you might want to keep.
2005-07-13 [Amalaswinta]: I think the current poll is formulated incorrect. Going by the entries at the EP suggestion page, it should be an option to check all messages in one click, not to delete all read messages. Like [FireGypsy] said: some message you just wanna save ;-)
2005-07-13 [FireGypsy]: =D
2005-07-13 [sexy lipgloss babe]: yes
2005-07-26 [that one guy]: yea
2005-07-28 [DenDen]: O.o yea?
2005-08-12 [DenDen]: W00T MY POLL WAS USED!
2005-09-08 [Hiei's Girl]: added one
2005-10-11 [lucius]: how do you know if they use your poll... do they send you a messige?
2005-10-11 [Love like Winter.]: I did once consider giving out cool points but I got no reply from the tester one.
2005-10-26 [nbh]: they used mine too. (how about polls that actually make a difference?)
2005-10-26 [Love like Winter.]: Yup..... I'm responsible for putting up the new polls.... I thought it was quite ignorant but amusing... So yeah, congrats.
2005-10-26 [Love like Winter.]: The mainstreet poll.
2005-11-08 [Hedda]: I used:
2005-11-08 [Hedda]: I guess I should start to move away rejected ones soon. This page is getting big.
2005-11-08 [Love like Winter.]: Ummm, [Hedda], I'm in charge of the mainstreet poll. I understand that I havn't updated in a while but I watch this page so just comment saying something like "Update the poll please" would be appreciated...
2005-11-08 [Love like Winter.]: I took away all used or stupid/ not suitable poll ideas.
2005-11-10 [Hedda]: OK, I was just stepping or your toes... Sorry! Feel free to boss me around. ;-) Anyhow, I will update the Mainstuff poll if needed, but you can alway re-update it, unless it's some important stuff there that is very new. Sometimes we need a competition to be solved or a poll about a new or suggested feature. But I'll try to remember to consult the crew.
2005-11-10 [Love like Winter.]: Lol, its cool :) Woah, I bossed you about, that dosn't happen very often (sorry! lol). Yeah, if theres something that needs to be discussed, feel free to update it.
2005-11-15 [FireGypsy]: yay! *dances* my poll was used!
2005-12-07 [Love like Winter.]: *rolls eyes* You know, it dosn't matter how many times someone trashes a page, it can always be restored in at lest 10 seconds. Why can't people get that? *sigh* well, I reported [Alequia] anyway.
2006-01-09 [Hedda]: There! I finally put up a really important and serious question!
2006-01-10 [zoloftzantac]: ha, I like choice #5 :) the elftown guards do pack a lot of elves over here. ;) (Do I even want to know what is up with #6)
2006-01-10 [Love like Winter.]: Thank you [Hedda]...
2006-01-10 [skullhead]: # 6 sounds familiar!
2006-02-16 [Hedda]: We need another poll! Non of the suggestions here are that good, I think... Suggest something better, or I'll write a horrible poll!
2006-02-16 [Hedda]: Well, I'll do a horrible poll anyway...
2006-02-16 [skullhead]: Damn it
2006-02-17 [zoloftzantac]: Well actually, I think [Hedda]'s polls rock, but I'll try to think of onther one anyways.
2006-02-17 [Love like Winter.]: Who keeps changing it? Just wondering... I know it hasn't been updated in while, but I'm in charge... Messege me and I'll change it! Shesh...
2006-02-17 [zoloftzantac]: I guess [Hedda] just changes it after a month or so ...
2006-02-17 [Love like Winter.]: Lol, I told him off not too long ago... Hmmm, I should be doing my job better, I know... Sorry people. Will work harder.
2006-02-27 [Yvonniaaah]: who decides what poll to use??????????
2006-02-27 [Love like Winter.]: *raises a hand* I do :)
2006-02-27 [Dint]: Hello. I just wanted to ask a question about the polls. Today I saw that my private poll was on Mainstuff. I don’t know if this is a new feature with Elfpack, or if somebody just swiped the poll from my house?? <poll:8357> I made this poll weeks ago and I found it strange when I saw it on Mainstuff without explanation. O_o
2006-02-27 [Love like Winter.]: Hmmm, I'm not sure. I only upload polls that have been submitted to the wiki or I have thought up myself.
2006-02-27 [Dint]: That's really strange. Can other members see it besides myself? Maybe I'm just going crazy? O_o At any rate, I found it really bazaar and thought I'd ask.
2006-02-27 [Love like Winter.]: The poll is gone o,o I'm out of a job! eck!
2006-02-27 [Dint]: I even took a screen cap of what I see on my monitor.http:/
2006-02-27 [Love like Winter.]: I don't see that..
2006-02-27 [Dint]: My God. Maybe it's my computer? Or a fluke? I just wanted to make sure that nothing was awry, and I was curious. But if nobody else sees it, it just must be something with my computer? O.o Sorry for the uproar! ^^;;
2006-02-27 [Love like Winter.]: I think its more to do with EP rather than your computer... I dunno, EP is being screwy tonight.. The bugs will get sorted soon.
2006-02-28 [zoloftzantac]: [Hedda] has fixed most things, is this still an issue?
2006-04-01 [Love like Winter.]: Ok, who keeps changing the poll??
2006-04-01 [Sunrose]: Not me...
2006-04-01 [Love like Winter.]: I know I've been neglecting it but if you people feel that it needs updated comment or even messege me. My toes are feeling a bit trampled >.<
2006-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: "who keeps changing the poll??" *looks over in [Hedda]'s direction*
2006-04-01 [Love like Winter.]: *sigh*.
2006-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: When I try to edit main street I don't think I can change the poll if I wanted to ...
2006-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: oops, I mean mainstuff ;)
2006-04-01 [Sunrose]: Eh yes you can, people with 89 can so you surely can. And I doubt [Hedda] would do that, usually he puts a warning if he does things like that...
2006-04-01 [Love like Winter.]: I have spoken to him about this before so I don't think it was him either.
2006-04-01 [Sunrose]: Aside from the fact he only bothers with mainstreet if he feels it isn't active enough, which usually takes some time before he feels that way. Anyway, as I said he'd always write about it if he did anything. Perhaps it would be better to ask in the Council forum, maybe the one who did it is not watching this page....
2006-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: (or is asleep, it's only been a few hours)
2006-05-07 [The Darkest Star.]: Thanks for using my poll again! ^^
2006-05-07 [Love like Winter.]: lol, no problem! :P
2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: [Love like Winter.]: doh!, I was just comming here to ask you if we can make some kind of mainstreet poll for the Elfpack's Illustration of a Song Contest maybe it should just be a wiki poll anyway tho ...
2006-05-10 [Love like Winter.]: Well, if you post your poll idea (about your wiki) on this page, I could use it next time I change the poll :)
2006-06-03 [frecklefied]: wow. that poll by [Raiyr] should definetly be put up on the main page. especially if that is a possibility...
2006-06-03 [Raiyr]: Hm? The delete all messages button idea thing?
2006-06-03 [The Darkest Star.]: It's not a possibility though, that's the thing. From the looks of it, it has been requested frequently but [Hedda] has always said no. It's just pushing things to have a poll on it.
2006-06-03 [Raiyr]: Oh... I didn't know others had asked about it o.o Do you think maybe I should just take it off?
2006-06-04 [Amalaswinta]: actually, the question was for a "check all" button ;-)
2006-06-04 [Raiyr]: Oh...
2006-06-04 [frecklefied]: it would be so nice.but i don't think you should take the poll off. maybe...just maybe...if enough people...
2006-06-04 [Raiyr]: ._. yes well, at first I made this a private poll in my house and thought. What the heck, I'll suggest it
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: Wtf? Child porn? o.o
2006-06-13 [tazz]: i dont like child porn so i am trying to get riad of it just flower my link please r instead of xxx
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: Oh... Okay... o.o yes, child porn is very bad... *nods*
2006-06-13 [tazz]: sorry for the spelling
2006-06-13 [tazz]: some people dont like what i am doing and they told me to f**k off
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: Well, I find any type of porn absolutely revolting...
2006-06-13 [tazz]: thank you for your help
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: No problem :)
2006-06-13 [tazz]: ^_^
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: YOu find any type of porn revolting? How can you say such a thing ;_; Ok, obviously child porn is sick, btu what about tentacle porn? Animal porn? Underwater porn? 'inserty the large inanimate object here' porn? Call me heddonistic if you will, but I must disagree...
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: It's just my opinion. I'm not hating anyone who looks at porn. That's their thing... And I won't disrespect them because of something like that. Sorry if I sound offensive. :/
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: *checks [Raiyr]'s age* ahhh... of course! You should find it disgusting at such an age, I know I did.... >_>
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: Yer...
2006-06-13 [tazz]: ---[kittykittykitty: ] you do know i only hate child porn my reasion is because my three babby girls were hert by my wifes x i dont think it is right
2006-06-13 [Raiyr]: Child porn is wrong... seriously... Other stuff may not be... but... ugh.
2006-06-13 [tazz]: thank you thats what i am talking about
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: I agree with you completely, child porn is disgusting o_o What did you think I meant?
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: *kills train of thought dead* Why not rephrase your poll suggestion [tazz]? Without seeing your wiki and your comments here somebody might think you actually wanted to see it...
2006-06-13 [tazz]: sorry for my mistack im not good at this i just want to help open peps eyes
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: Something more like that? Still... it's more of a house- or wiki-poll than a mainstreet one don't you think?
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: You want rid of your original suggestion? You can remove it yourself just like you added it :)
2006-06-13 [tazz]: k thanks
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: I have a problem with <poll:10335> ... I like EP as it is. What do I vote for? :(
2006-06-23 [FireGypsy]: hehe! Damn that was quick!
2006-06-23 [Raiyr]: >.> What was?
2006-06-23 [FireGypsy]: your thanks on my ps. comment! lol. I like just posted it!
2006-06-23 [Raiyr]: Oh! Heh, lol. *shrugs* I was here, lol, so I said thanks :)
2006-06-27 [kittykittykitty]: One of [skullhead]'s suggestions got cut in half :O
2006-06-28 [zoloftzantac]: uhhh ... [ElfPackSucks Ass. I'm on elfTOWN now.] has a crappy name and hasn't been on EP in over a year, can we just kill their poll so I don't have to look at their name anymore?
2006-06-29 [Love like Winter.]: Consider it done :P
2006-06-29 [zoloftzantac]: yay!
2006-06-29 [Love like Winter.]: There never on anymore, don't think they'll notice :)
2006-06-29 [zoloftzantac]: well, if they do come back after 400 days I'll just tell them that we already did their poll :p
2006-06-29 [Love like Winter.]: oooh, little white lies :P
2006-06-29 [life without you - mmm - how cool!]: lol tru say if u dnt cum on in over two years or summin can ur elfpack account ever b deleted i hope not
2006-06-29 [Love like Winter.]: No, I wouldn't think so..
2006-06-29 [life without you - mmm - how cool!]: cheers
2006-07-17 [kittykittykitty]: [Nipples] are you sure political debates are right for the official polls? Elfpack shouldn't be so serious :P
2006-07-17 [Love like Winter.]: I was just thinking that :S
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: Yep, and also, considering that we are an international community based in a part of the world were Bush has no power at all that would be a better topic for a wiki or a private poll.
2006-07-22 [Goodbye EP]: Your poll topic make me want to cry. It is waaaay too serious. *cries*
2006-07-22 [kittykittykitty]: Awww there, there *pets [Goodbye EP]*
2006-07-22 [zoloftzantac]: People in power love bringing up wedge issues when ever they are about to do something they don't have enough support to pull off. The wedge issue divides people and helps create a puffed up sense of support for the people on one side of the issue, then they use that support as a way to get away with doing something they didn't really have support for. Assholes in power have been doing that since the begining ...
2006-07-23 [Goodbye EP]: *Wipes tears on Kitty*
2006-07-23 [Love like Winter.]: Wow, political psychology. I'm impressed :)
2006-07-23 [Goodbye EP]: You would be impressed. ^_^
2006-07-25 [Hedda]: [Euphoria Factor] If you read on http://www.gal
2006-07-25 [Love like Winter.]: lmao
2006-10-10 [Pandora♥xcore]: uhh question, how do I get a personal poll for a wiki so people can vote?
2006-10-10 [FireGypsy]: type <poll> in the wiki and click submit ^_^
2006-10-10 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh easy enough, thanks muchly! ^^
2006-10-10 [FireGypsy]: No problem ^_^
2008-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: Haha.... interesting poll idea [crushed] :P
2008-04-17 [Bookwyrm]: -snorts- That's great. XD
2008-07-04 [Raiyr]: Ooh boy...
2008-07-06 [Nekko fox]: ..............
2008-07-07 [The Voice of Difference]: I ate them...
2008-07-08 [zoloftzantac]: what a fucktard, well, he is banned now :)
2008-07-08 [Nekko fox]: Hurrah for swift intervention!
2008-07-08 [The Voice of Difference]: Hurrah!
2008-07-10 [Nekko fox]: I had a wiki that got deleted once, way back when I first started on Elftown.
2008-07-10 [Bookwyrm]: The only wiki-deleters permitted here are official ones. :P People who do it to be rude get banned pretty quickly...beca
2008-07-13 [Nekko fox]: Chu
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