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wolvie (I miss my mom so freaking much death sucks)

Member #23566 created: 2005-07-15 18:30:44Simple URL:   

Name: Jamie Harris call me wolvie though bastards xD


Jewno Bug


nutter butter whatter

Elfpack Badges:

I am one of the wonderful Volunteers for my recommended page Video Games, and I've retired from the Role-Playing Crew.
I'm also one of the sneaky Stalkers and I participated in Elfpack's Logo Contest.

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Elfpack titles and orders
Crazy kid

Treasury Inventory:
This is my pet: Rita The African Grey Parot
Adopted from the Giffie-Pet Pound

<img:stuff/3pet.gif><img:stuff/1friend.gif><img:stuff/3wiki.gif><img:stuff/3pet.gif> <img:stuff/goofytoph.gif>
My pet won 3rd in the Cutest Pet Award, Sept. 2011. Additionally, I won 1st place on Best Friend Award and Video Games won 3rd on Best Wiki Award during October, 2011. Also, I won 3rd in Cutest Pet Award. Finally, I was featured on Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking!

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Hello fellow peeps my name is wolvie I'm a bit of an idiot and very random feel free to message me about anything I have decided to come back here I do miss this dusty old site so yeah I'm back :)
Oh I love roleplaying also feel free to message or whatever peace mo fos :D

Hi I'm wolvie welcome to my ep home

I'm wolvie, I'm from utah (before you ask sadly yes I'm technically a mormon but don't panic I don't go to church, I don't try and shove my religious ideas down your throat, and most impotantly I will never come knocking at your door to preach so dont worry peeps :)) anyway I have some issuess which makes my mood unstable at best most of the time I feel extremely depressed but I try my best to smile and ignore it, the best way I know how to fight depression is to be goofy so just a warning I'm very random and if you dont like that then I'm sorry its just who I am.

Ok so I've been on elfpack for years literally and I've made some amazing friends on here who have helped me through some very dark times in my life so I love this site so yeah I recently decided to restart my account why you ask? I've changed alot from when I first logged onto here all those years ago and many of my friends have become sweet distant memories I figured its time to let some things go and to just accept that I've lost some friends on here and to hope I find some new ones :)

Enough of that let me tell you guys a bit about me I'm in my twenties, a girl, I have horrible long hair that's constantly ratty and gross, I have very bad teeth that I just have to suffer witb well I doubt you want to know anymore physical descriptions ((oh also please forgive me I'm typing this all out with my phone and I'm sure I'm placing misspellings and.such everywhere)) ahem anyway I'm blessed with an amazing family (nope no boyfriend never had one most likely I'll die a virgin I really shouldn't do this when I'm feeling depressed oh well lets keep going) I have two amazing nieces Brecklyn is 4 and a half and a wonderful little pain in my ass, and Taytem is just over a week old a bright eyed little angel and I have to admit I'm very jealous of my brother for having two beautiful little monkeys :)
On a bit of a sad note Taytem has a rare skin disease that makes her have painful blisters all over her body its going to be a difficult road for her but we still love her and we'll do all we can to help her get through it

I also have a wonderful dog named Jewno she's a shiba inu and beagle mix and she's absolutely amazing she's helped me out alot when I feel sad or happy she's always there to give me kisses and try and steal my food :) to see some pictures of her go here Jewno

My family :)

People who I consider my family some are on here some are not all of them make my life worth living and make me appreciate and realize how good life really is


(Hopefully I spelled that right) my best friend I have from elfpack I honestly love this girl like a sister I text her every day and am always laughing at some of the things shes come up with over the years yeah I've never met her in real life but so what? She's an amazing person with a heart of gold I dont know what I would do.without her she's just amazing and is always there for me no matter what I do or say I know I can count on her anytime to cheer me up :)

Diana Garcia

Where to start...Diana is one of the only friends I have who honestly cares about me when I was in the psch ward about a year ago she was the only friend I have who came to visit me and hug me and tell me that I'm an amazing person and that shes always there for have no clue how much that meant to me and how much it still means to me I love her like a sister she's amazing and I dunno what I would have done without her (side note kitty was the only friend to text me.when I was in the psch ward)

I'll add more friends here in a bit

So now you know a fair ammount about me feel free to message me about anything at all I'm always up to making new friends :) have a good day and thank you for reading my long rantings

Well I'll add more in a bit my fingers are getting sleepy and my head is starting to pound so later elfpack bitches
Halloween for wolvies

Want to make extra money just by doing offers for free? well check out this amazing website :D

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
Back To The Future: the RPGHaunting MemoriesThe Ultimate RPG
And of 21 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Age: 34Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 10

Gender: female

What do you do?: Being lazy

Place of living: USA-Utah

Exact place of living: nowhere

Known languages

heavy metalprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
boardgamesbookscard games
carscatschasing the preferred sex
role playingscifislacking
smokingtravellingwatching sport

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: plump

Height: 157

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