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Would you want to be an immortal?

* Of course!
* Only old age - I'd like to have the choice to die otherwise.
* No, never.

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д×ﻉ| PK Ringbearer
д×ﻉ| PK

This is the Mainstuff of Elfpack

Welcome to Elfpack. This is a totally normal Internet community. We promise! We're really normal! Everyone of us! We're not a tiny little bit strange. Move along! Nothing to see here!

Well, OK. You might want to have a look at the unlimited photo albums, your own chat-page which might be used by non-members too, people from all over the world and the friendly people here.

Last donors:
Amalaswinta Sigyn, The Faithful Wife sammie h! Simpet Deg
More news

Some network problem

They were rebuilding the network, so that's why Elfpack was down for some 10 hours.

Date: 2016-11-15 13:11:13
News #: 132
Reporter: Hedda
More Elfpack news

Elfpack Awards

Hello everyone, please don't forget about the Elfpack awards come and put your suggestions in on who to vote for, we will be waiting.

Date: 2019-08-02 16:17:42
News #: 161
Reporter: sammie h!
More jokes

New Joke, OMG!

This year's monthly joke is brought to us by [Stephen], a relatively unknown Elfpacker who sometimes has surgery and stuff. It's like his hobby. Let's hope he gets better soon! So, let's stop laughing AT him and laugh WITH him at this awesome joke he submitted:

Two long time friends decide to go for a round of golf at a nearby course. They meet in the parking lot at the front of the golf course and start to unload the trucks of their cars when one tells another “Hey, guess what! I got a set of golf clubs for my wife!” the other replies, “GREAT trade!”

Huh. Well, it wasn't really all that awesome, but he tried, I guess. Anyway, you can go back to laughing at him now. Mort out!


Eat at Elfpack Jokes!

About Elfpack Jokes
Date: 2014-01-09 05:23:29 Joke #: 79 Mod: Mortified Penguin
More poems

Black & White

What is it about being a teenage that makes everything black and white?
Can I trust him?
Does history really repeat itself?
Are we bound to go on the same path as his past relationships?
If it does not work will i lose my best friend?
If it does work i will have my bestfriend as my boyfriend: is that a good thing?
Will he get bored with me?
He already know me like a book,but this is about me knowing him
Is this a good or bad thing
Will he be true to me?
He is know to be a cheater at school, but i believe this to be false.
Will he try to change me?
I am not the type of girl that he has dated before
Is the saying opposites attract true?
If so were it lead to fights?
He does believe in a higher power, i do not
Will my father approve of him?
His mother approves of me, because i tutored him.
My heart say yes, but my mind says no

Written by: [SunBlaze]

Do you have a poem you'd like to submit? Visit Elfpack Featured Poem!

More about Elfpack Daily Poem
Date: 2014-02-08 02:51:18 Poem #: 86 Mod: sammie h!
More goofs

Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! - An Update on Updates


Major GEE! Overhaul Still to Come!

Long time with no new news, Elfpackers! For this I have no excuses. I am, however, still alive and so (hopefully) shall GEE! be in just a few more short days.

If you'd like to know more, please click "show content".

Show content
Has GEE been missed? It's hard to say. As many of you know, Elfpack has been struggling to reinvent itself and get some new life pumped back into it. For now, it's still the same old lovable EP--and we're still working hard to get it to a better and brighter place, one little piece at a time.

Have opinions and/or comments on the matter? Please feel free to message me, the council, or follow us on Facebook!


Back to GEE!

This much has not changed: After much consideration, I, [Deg], The Grand Goof, have decided to redirect and reconstruct Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking!. GEE!'s sister wiki, Cool Shades, will also be reopened and officially affiliated.

What to be looking forward to:

A sleek, more updated look
More categories
New, exciting, relevant prizes

As for a timetable, I'm hoping for ASAP. Although, I'll admit, I'll be working alone and I am, sadly, a procrastinator. However, I always log into EP several times a day so if you have any personal concerns or just need to be reassured that I'm still around, feel free to drop me a PM at any time with questions or concerns.

Until the grand reopening, GEE! will remain closed.

Until then, Elfpack, keep on being Goofy!

-Much respect, [Deg].

About the goofs
About the Cool Shades
Date: 2013-10-19 02:34:30 Goof #: 130 Mod: Deg
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