# of watchers: 17
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2008-03-25 [Shatureel]: Sad indeed! [Willow Rose], [Hedda] has said everything that I would have said to you. I am sorry that you will not be on much, but you know I have always told you, that your work is good and its good that others will get the chance to read it. If you had come to me before the contest was ended and the voting poll put up, I would have removed it. But now its to late, it is done and over with. You are asking for the removal of a poem that has already been read by countless of ppl, and copied by who knows how many others. Its kind of to late to hide back between the darkness of the pages of your poem book. Sweety you are a good poet and you do others the honor of allowing them to read and use your poems. They can never take what is truly yours away, cause we all know it belongs to you. I really am sorry that I have not been here sooner to help you with this matter.
2008-03-25 [Shatureel]: [Hedda] thank you for being here and answering this matter. I was not sure I was going to return to Elfpack, you know how disappointed I have been with the way no one wants to join in the contests. Thanks for you help.
2008-03-27 [Faith.Hope.Love]: [Willow Rose], I recently experienced someone stealing my art, but I didn't & wouldn't demand that the site, Elftown, where I displayed my art, remove it. It's NOT the fault of the site that displayed my art with my permission. The fault lies with the individual(s) that stole it. I confronted the party that was displaying my art WITHOUT my permission, not the site that HAD my permission.
2008-03-27 [GlassCasket]: HUZZAH! (just thought i would spice up the conversation a bit XD
2008-03-27 [Faith.Hope.Love]: *hands out chili peppers* LOL ...but no bread!
2008-04-14 [Shatureel]: Coming soon, to your elfpack neighborhoods, new May Mothers Day Contests. hehehehehe
2008-10-07 [GlassCasket]: hey guys hows it going?
2008-10-07 [Shatureel]: wow you are the first person to speak here in a long time. *smile*
2008-10-08 [GlassCasket]: are they....*looks around and whispers* dead?
2008-10-10 [Shatureel]: *looks around at the ghosts of the past and whispers* could be.
2008-10-12 [GlassCasket]: HI DEAD PEOPLE!!!
2008-10-13 [Shatureel]: lol, guess they don't hear very well. LOL
2008-10-14 [GlassCasket]: awww...*smacks a dead person* DIE!!!!....wai
2008-10-16 [Shatureel]: *falls on floor laughing* don't think thats gonna work.
2008-10-16 [GlassCasket]: it might...lol
2008-11-04 [Faith.Hope.Love]: *yawns* Huh? What's going on? Have I been asleep long? Who's dead? *looks bewildered* Where's the coffee? I needs some coffee me thinks. hehehe
2008-11-05 [Shatureel]: *laughs* yeap you been a sleep about time you wake up. *hands you coffee*
2009-03-11 [RainCloud]: oh. THESE are the rules I was supposed to look at. I was lookin' at general rules. lolz. ok. i fail.
2009-03-11 [GlassCasket]: lol its cool
2009-03-11 [RainCloud]: i just got mad at [Shatureel] a contest or two ago for not letting me vote for myself. she told me to go to the rules page. i went to the general rules page and had a spazz attack b/c i couldn't find it. lesson: the creator of the page makes the rules, if they fall under EP general rules. lesson 2: don't piss off an admin <3 they mean well.
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