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2007-02-01 [Hedda]: When is the first deadline? I was thinking about putting something up on Mainstuff.
2007-02-01 [~sminx~]: does the poem have to be specially written for this contest or can i enter something i have alredy written?
2007-02-01 [GlassCasket]: the dealine for the poems putting up or the deadline for the voting or the deadline for the entire thing?
you can enter anything you want to enter in this contest
2007-02-01 [~sminx~]: ok kool i'll have a think bout it :)
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: kool spread the word even if ya dont will ya?
2007-02-02 [~sminx~]: sure - i'll put a link to the wiki from my house if ya like
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: cool thanks
2007-02-02 [~sminx~]: is there a prize for this contest? like an unofficial badge or anything?
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: yes i do believe we do have a badge for the winner...i would have to confront my associates just to make sure though...i will get back to you with a solid but i do believe we have one...
2007-02-02 [~sminx~]: kool :D
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: yup
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: can it be like a rap
2007-02-02 [~sminx~]: any chance u could spread the word bout my games - Hangman! and Guess Who!
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: i edited it heavily
2007-02-02 [Shatureel]: Yes there will be an unofficial badge for now, we are working on creating more badges.
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: thanks ^^ *kinda forgot sorry*
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: i posted the first one hehehehe
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: *looks for something to submit* ><
2007-02-02 [Shatureel]: Just read it very good., its cool Guardian, thats what I am here for remember.
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: thanks,the unedited and full version is in my diary
2007-02-02 [Shatureel]: Read it and I have to say I perfer the edited version, the other one I would have removed.
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: i figured that thats why i edited it
2007-02-02 [Shatureel]: Good going.
2007-02-02 [Elf_Person]: lol thanks
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: ima enter this once i find that poem i wrote 2 months ago >_<
2007-02-02 [~sminx~]: yay i've entered mine *woot woot*
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol! XD
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: oi, it's great! ^^
2007-02-02 [une histoire d'amour]: OI!
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: I FOUNDED IT! *hurries off to enter it* ALL DONE!
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: yay ^^
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: cool thanks
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: it'll be a miricale if it places i dont think its to good
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: I like it, but it's sad v.v
2007-02-02 [GlassCasket]: it is pretty good to me
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: that was how i felt that day
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: awww
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: its ok i write when im like that....that is my only poem to
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: well it's good *has a bunch because of her Writing Workshop class in school*
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: thanks kee that means alot
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: welcome ^^
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: *smiles*
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: *smiles back* ^_^
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: i need to write more but i never have anything to write about
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: me either...
2007-02-02 [Empty~Soul]: ok
2007-02-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: ya
2007-02-17 [tazz]: can you peps help me with some thing. I have read this wiki but it dos not tell us a dodate. Like when's the cutoff
2007-02-17 [Empty~Soul]: *shrugs* i'll get you an answer
2007-02-17 [Empty~Soul]: ok i asked and they are due by the end of the month
2007-02-19 [Shatureel]: Sorry should have put it up, well its done now.
2007-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: its ok we found out ^_^
2007-02-20 [Shatureel]: thats cool. :)
2007-02-20 [Empty~Soul]: =^_^=
2007-02-25 [tazz]: i just want to say thank you to anyone who helped me
2007-02-26 [Empty~Soul]: welcome
2007-02-28 [Shatureel]: You're welcome.
2007-03-05 [Sia Tasha]: when do we vote
2007-03-05 [Shatureel]: As soon as I post the voting poll, which should be no later then Tuesday.
2007-03-05 [Empty~Soul]: o.o im nervous....
2007-03-06 [Shatureel]: *laughs* There is nothing to be nervous about, but please remember that if your poem does not get chosen this time there will be another contest starting May 1st.
2007-03-06 [Empty~Soul]: i know but this is the first time i've done something like this >_<
2007-03-07 [Shatureel]: well I hope it is not the last time.
2007-03-07 [Empty~Soul]: mines didnt make it through to voting v_v
2007-03-09 [Shatureel]: Sorry not all poems can be picked, but you can submit again on May 1st, that is when the next contest opens.
2007-03-09 [Empty~Soul]: oh
2007-05-02 [Empty~Soul]: oooo is it back open????
2007-05-02 [Pandora♥xcore]: yep
2007-05-02 [Empty~Soul]: yay!
2007-05-03 [Shatureel]: *laughs*, I am looking forward to a lot more poems this time. We had a good turn out with the first one, spread the word. Thanks [Hedda] for putting it on Mainstuff and for adding Elfpack Contests to this wiki, I should have done that.
2007-05-03 [Empty~Soul]: okie doke ^_lll
2007-05-18 [Roman_Six]: I WANT TO GET ON THIS CONTEST!!!! HOW CAN I GET IN!!!!!
2007-05-18 [Empty~Soul]: i can post it for you if you like just pm me the poem and its name
2007-05-18 [Roman_Six]: The name...Like my name of the poem name...
The name is hummm
Rise And Fall Beauty
And the peom is on my page :) can u telll me if u like it? too
2007-05-18 [Empty~Soul]: i like it
2007-05-18 [Roman_Six]: YEAH KICK ASS
2007-05-18 [Empty~Soul]: lol and i entered it for you
2007-05-18 [Roman_Six]: Thanks
2007-05-18 [Empty~Soul]: welcome
2007-05-18 [Roman_Six]: So when does it end...cuz i hope i win too!!!!!!
2007-05-19 [Empty~Soul]: we all hope we win at some level but idk when it ends
2007-05-19 [Roman_Six]: Yeah true we all hope to win something now and then...
2007-05-20 [.~*~RaUnChY DIVA SES~*~.]: I've done my poem but I want someone to read it for me before I enter. Is there anyone who I can send it too?
2007-05-23 [ライヴェス]: ...Exactly how long is too long?
2007-08-16 [Empty~Soul]: yay now contest! ^-^
2007-08-20 [Shatureel]: yes thanks for putting in a poem.
2007-08-23 [Empty~Soul]: welcome
2008-03-23 [Willow Rose]: I would like my poem "Weeping Willow", removed from the wiki page "Regular Poems Contest Submissions Page2". I'm not going to be on Elfpack anymore, and I don't want my poetry places I'm not - people have been using them without permission or crediting, and I don't want any of them where people can take them now.
2008-03-24 [Hedda]: [Willow Rose]: By submitting it here, you accepted it to be displayed here. Being all filled with yourself and saying that you've changed your mind is simply not the thing to do.
And why are you so afraid that people copy your poem? If people do copy them, then you need Elfpack as a proof that it was you who wrote it first. If you remove it from here, the ones who have already copied it and claimed it as their own, will seem to be right and you'll be seen as a poem thief.
2008-03-24 [Willow Rose]: So even though it's my poem I no longer have the right to have it removed?
2008-03-24 [Hedda]: No. It's "submitted", not "loaned" to Elfpack and the contest.
What you are trying to do is like having the letters you sent back.
2008-03-24 [Hedda]: It's not like you've lost the copyright to it, but you have agreed to let it be displayed in the contest.
2008-03-24 [Willow Rose]: I know I agreed to it being displayed, but I no longer am.
2008-03-24 [Hedda]: It's not that we want to mess with you, but taking a submission down means that the contest will make no sense for people who look at it afterwards.
So you can stuff your claims where the sun never shines - like in the hands of a lawyer and see if they can get your vain claim over the Atlantic.
I'll not let our contests be ruined by people that just want to destroy for no sane reason at all.
2008-03-24 [Faith.Hope.Love]: The poem "Weeping Willow" is already locked in the poll: Regular Poems Voting, too. :P
2008-03-24 [GlassCasket]: hmmm so since it is in the actual poll there is not really anything we can do about it is there?
2008-03-24 [Hedda]: The point is that we don't want to do anything. Of course we could just delete all old contests too, but that would be pretty sad, wouldn't it?
2008-03-25 [Shatureel]: Sad indeed! [Willow Rose], [Hedda] has said everything that I would have said to you. I am sorry that you will not be on much, but you know I have always told you, that your work is good and its good that others will get the chance to read it. If you had come to me before the contest was ended and the voting poll put up, I would have removed it. But now its to late, it is done and over with. You are asking for the removal of a poem that has already been read by countless of ppl, and copied by who knows how many others. Its kind of to late to hide back between the darkness of the pages of your poem book. Sweety you are a good poet and you do others the honor of allowing them to read and use your poems. They can never take what is truly yours away, cause we all know it belongs to you. I really am sorry that I have not been here sooner to help you with this matter.
2008-03-25 [Shatureel]: [Hedda] thank you for being here and answering this matter. I was not sure I was going to return to Elfpack, you know how disappointed I have been with the way no one wants to join in the contests. Thanks for you help.
2008-03-27 [Faith.Hope.Love]: [Willow Rose], I recently experienced someone stealing my art, but I didn't & wouldn't demand that the site, Elftown, where I displayed my art, remove it. It's NOT the fault of the site that displayed my art with my permission. The fault lies with the individual(s) that stole it. I confronted the party that was displaying my art WITHOUT my permission, not the site that HAD my permission.
2008-03-27 [GlassCasket]: HUZZAH! (just thought i would spice up the conversation a bit XD
2008-03-27 [Faith.Hope.Love]: *hands out chili peppers* LOL ...but no bread!
2008-04-14 [Shatureel]: Coming soon, to your elfpack neighborhoods, new May Mothers Day Contests. hehehehehe
2008-10-07 [GlassCasket]: hey guys hows it going?
2008-10-07 [Shatureel]: wow you are the first person to speak here in a long time. *smile*
2008-10-08 [GlassCasket]: are they....*looks around and whispers* dead?
2008-10-10 [Shatureel]: *looks around at the ghosts of the past and whispers* could be.
2008-10-12 [GlassCasket]: HI DEAD PEOPLE!!!
2008-10-13 [Shatureel]: lol, guess they don't hear very well. LOL
2008-10-14 [GlassCasket]: awww...*smacks a dead person* DIE!!!!....wai
2008-10-16 [Shatureel]: *falls on floor laughing* don't think thats gonna work.
2008-10-16 [GlassCasket]: it might...lol
2008-11-04 [Faith.Hope.Love]: *yawns* Huh? What's going on? Have I been asleep long? Who's dead? *looks bewildered* Where's the coffee? I needs some coffee me thinks. hehehe
2008-11-05 [Shatureel]: *laughs* yeap you been a sleep about time you wake up. *hands you coffee*
2009-01-31 [Empty~Soul]: i entered!! first one
2009-03-11 [RainCloud]: oh. THESE are the rules I was supposed to look at. I was lookin' at general rules. lolz. ok. i fail.
2009-03-11 [GlassCasket]: lol its cool
2009-03-11 [RainCloud]: i just got mad at [Shatureel] a contest or two ago for not letting me vote for myself. she told me to go to the rules page. i went to the general rules page and had a spazz attack b/c i couldn't find it. lesson: the creator of the page makes the rules, if they fall under EP general rules. lesson 2: don't piss off an admin <3 they mean well.
2009-03-11 [RainCloud]: and [Shatureel] was kind enough to overlook my bitchiness <3 :) (still. don't vote for yourself. its egotistical and you should be confident that you can win b/c of your poems value to others.)
2009-04-30 [Kayn]: nice... when will it be open again?
2009-05-01 [Shatureel]: Am working on the wiki right now, should be done in a few hours, opens at midnight, which will be May 1st.
2009-05-01 [Kayn]: yays.
2009-05-01 [Shatureel]: well contest is up and running.
2009-05-03 [Kayn]: yays
2009-05-04 [Shatureel]: laughs, hope to see you there.
2009-05-05 [Kayn]: in time` ^_^ hehe
2009-05-06 [Celtore]: Anybody know of any good rps on here?
2009-05-06 [Kayn]: Depends on what your are looking for.
2009-05-06 [Celtore]: Anything...thr
2009-05-07 [Kayn]: the dacian greater pack talk to the alphas about joining.
2009-05-08 [Celtore]: Tanks!
2009-05-08 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Oh...*grins* Thanks Wolf!
And [Shatureel], you set up these pages correct? You still have on this page that the theme is anything about love where as on the submission page is says anything at all... ;)
2009-05-09 [Kayn]: -grins- your welcome kip kip ^_^
2009-05-09 [Shatureel]: thank you [Product of a Primal Urge] for catching that, all fixed now.
2009-05-09 [Kayn]: yays
2009-05-09 [Product of a Primal Urge]: haha you're very welcome. *winks at Wolf*
2009-05-09 [Kayn]: -pounces kip-
2009-05-09 [Product of a Primal Urge]: -falls under wolf- thanks for that. -laughs- Wolf, are you putting up a poem?
2009-05-10 [Kayn]: im pondering it -sits on kip- i have a lot so im trying to decide what one
2009-05-10 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Yeah, that was my issue too. I had another one up but changed it. ^.^ Still not sure this is the one i want up. *looks up at Wolf as she sits on me*
2009-05-10 [Kayn]: -ponders some- i hate not knowing >.<
2009-05-10 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Me too. Well, I think I will stick with this one though.
2009-05-10 [Kayn]: yays.
2009-10-22 [Product of a Primal Urge]: When is the next one??? I can't wait to read the next submissions.
2009-11-02 [Shatureel]: *laughs* glad to hear it. Sorry am in the process of moving and things have been kind of hard fo me to get on. But I will work on the next one, which will start in a few days.
2009-11-02 [RainCloud]: :D <3, [Shatureel]! I hope your move is going smoothly. I hate moving. I just moved myself, my bf, and our two cats 2,000 miles and some ocean. Its a pain, isn't it? x.x Good luck with the rest if you have more, and if you don't, good luck unpacking x.x
2009-11-03 [Shatureel]: thanks, and yeah packing is a pain in the rear. LOL wow thats a long way to move.
2009-11-03 [RainCloud]: yea. and now my bf wants to move back. the only difference: we've gained furniture and another cat lol
2009-11-03 [Product of a Primal Urge]: oh that sounds fun!
2009-11-07 [Shatureel]: *laughs* damn never know how much stuff you really have until you start to pack.
2009-11-07 [Shatureel]: kay wiki for contest is now open, good luck all.
2009-11-08 [RainCloud]: <3 Thanks!!!
2009-11-10 [Shatureel]: you're welcome.
2010-06-11 [Shatureel]: Next one will start July 1st.
2010-06-11 [Faeangel]: okay
2010-06-23 [Shatureel]: hope to see you there.
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