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Alizebell (giggly)

Member #46379 created: 2007-01-10 21:29:53Simple URL:   

Name: Ashley, Flounder




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Hummm... where to begain, ~looks out the window for an idea~

My name is Ashley Brooke, no that is not my full name you'll have to ask to get the rest. I'm an outdoors kind of person, I would live in the forest if I wouldn't freeze. I dance in the rain even if its to cold to be outside, the smell after a rain storm is my favorit, how clean the world feel, how quiet it is once a storm passes. I'm Blessed to live where I get to see both rain & snow. I'm a quiet child tell you get to know me then you wish I could be quiet again or just slow down(but thats in person). Visually I don't think I am all that appealing. I have green eyes and strawberry blond hair (meaning there is red in it :P), I'm not short but I'm not tall either, Yes I get in the dirt and play in the mud, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty tryin to fix my own problems. I have a story as to why I zone out of focuse and get a look on my face that you may or may not understand, if your luck I might explain it to ya. I find writing as an outlet. I love to find a new story to read or a new subject for a poem. I AM A PROUD AMERICAN, I love my country even if somedays it seems like its runnig its self in to the ground. No matter what I will stand and support our troops, Because freedom isn't free. I would be one my self but I'm a mother of a beautiful little boy, and have no one else I trust him with while I would be away. I try every day to make it my best.

Yes this explains most but there are some holes to be filled, maybe you should ask to fill in the blankes.

Astro Adoption

-----♥♥♥----Put this On Your
---♥♥---♥♥---page If
---♥♥---♥♥---You Know
-----♥♥♥-----Who Died

Why??? do we sleep in school, But stay awake through a 3 hour movie? Why is it so hard to talk about God, but so easy to talk about sex? Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly saying , Yet we post the nasty ones? Why are churches getting smaller, But bars and clubs are expanding? Why is it so easy to purchase beer and drugs but so hard to donate 25 cents for a Charity? Why is it so easy to worship a Celebrity? But very difficult to engage with God? Think about it, are you going to post this on your profile? Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at? 80 % of you wont post this. The Lord said: If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father

AHHHH-CHOO!!!........ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶....If you're allergic to bullshit, drama queens, head games, liars, two-faced fake people, keep this sneeze going........

Thank You to all of those who served serving or going to serve our country. I appreciate all you have done, are doing and may have to go through some day.

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--------------are like apples----------------
---------on trees. The best ones-----------
--------are at the top of the tree.----------
------The boys dont want to reach--------
----for the good ones because they-------
--are afraid of falling and getting hurt.----
-Instead, they just get the rotten apples--
---from the ground that aren't as good, --
-but easy. So the apples at the top think-
-something is wrong with them, when in--
----reality, they're amazing. They just----
-----have to wait for the right boy to------
-------come along, the one who's---------
-------------brave enough to---------------
------------------climb all-------------------
------------------ the way-------------------
------------------to the top------------------
-----------------of the tree.----------------

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Bob's DinerTree Huggers of ElfpackAnti-Twilight Group
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Age: 22Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 13

Gender: female

What do you do?: Working

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Exact place of living: where the grand river springs from the ground.

Known languages

Skype Username: alizebellswift

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

countryfolk musicheavy metal
progressive metalrock

Other interests

Civil status: live together with partner

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 173

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