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Vincent Stryke
Name: Jay
My best friend and I at the bowling alley.
Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-ass | Adventurer | Sex-monster |
Crazy kid |
Yeah, I know...Kinda boring, isn't it.
AIM: Nytrofixation
E-mail: PattonJayL@hot
Heh. Stolen Quote:
I Highly Recommend Pissing Yourself Followed By A Case Of Praying To Your Impotent God, Cowering In A Corner And Begging Always Good And If You Act Now There's Always Time For A Good Old-Fashioned Suicide, Thank You London, We Love You, GOODNIGHT! - Jan Valentine, Hellsing
Some Info About Me
I am Jay, 21. I suppose I'm you're average person. I love anime, manga, video games and stuff of that nature. I also love to draw, though I'm not very good at it. I suppose I could be called a geek/nerd, but whatever. I collect weapons i.e. swords, blades, daggers, etc. Not the biggest fan of guns. I think it's pathetic to use them. If I had to use one, I suppose I wouldn't have much of a choice. I'm also a fantasy/sci fi lover. I'm a real friendly person. I love all and any kind of music, though I do prefer Techno/Trance. If you want to know anything else about me, just send me a message and ask. I'm very open-minded.

The Backtable Group

And this. Tis the wiki of my dear friend Azera [Syn's Desire] You should check it out...Now!...*glares*
Dragon Songs
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I would put more...but I'm a lazy
bastard...So get over it...
Age: 33 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 4 | Day of birth: 6 |
Gender: male
What do you do?: Working
Place of living: USA-Michigan
alternative | blues | classical |
goth | heavy metal | hip hop |
house | jazz | opera |
pop | punk | rap |
rock | synth | techno |
Other interests
anime | art | beer |
boardgames | card games | cars |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cybersex |
drinks | eating | electronics |
fantasy | gambling | motorcycles |
party | role playing | scifi |
slacking | whisky | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: muscular
Height: 180