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2006-11-09 22:54:28
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Tool Correspondances

Information about altar tools and the like.


Tools are used to focus both the mind and any Energy present upon the work that
is being done. They are not entirely necessary, but (especially
at first) most of us do use some tools to help our minds focus any energy raised upon
the work we are trying to do. When trying to raise Power during Rituals, the conscious
mind needs something to focus on, so as to allow the subconscious mind
to be able to focus and use the power. Using higher energies is something that can
be difficult to explain, but a useful metaphor would be driving to work. You get into
your car and perform actions that cause it to get to your destination, but
you rarely have to actually 'think' about exactly what you are doing (by which, I
mean that you change gears and steer without actually thinking of moving your legs
and arms). Once you have arrived at your destination, you'll also find that most of
the actual details of the journey will not easily be remembered! Well, using Higher
Powers and Magick are like that too! You perform actions on the Mundane plane to
cause effects on the Higher Planes that will in turn have a further effect upon our Mundane plane.

Below are listed some of the more common tools that we use, but don't worry, you
don't necessarily need all of them, nor do you need to rush out and buy special
items to use for Magick and Ritual. Most of the tools needed can be things that are
around you in everyday life, it's just a matter of identifying them and then cleansing
and dedicating them! Once you've done this though, reserve them for Magickal/Ritual
use only, as it would be time consuming to re-cleanse it every time! Remember,
it's what feels right for yourself that matters the most, not what I or anyone else says,
and if you choose to use things that you have around you, or have found (for instance,
a twig that you found whilst walking as your Wand), then don't let anyone tell you that
isn't right, or that you MUST go out and buy loads of stuff! Also, the list below is
quite comprehensive, but you don't need all of these items to start with, and some of
them are only used occasionally. Don't forget to take everything that you are going
to need into the Circle area before you begin, because it's annoying in the extreme
to realize when you want to do some Divination that your Tarot cards are not with you,
but in a drawer somewhere! We've included a note (Recommended) to
indicate those tools that are used the most!

Beneath the next section you'll also find a list of Altar Supplies, an explanation of what an Altar
is, a sample Altar Layout, with ideas on how to set it all up, and a Cleansing Ritual for your Tools.


Altar Tools  |  Altar Info  |  Altar Supplies and Sundries  |  Tool Cleansing Ritual


Crystal Correspondances  |  Herbal Correspondances  |  Colour Correspondances

Dream Correspondances  |  Time & Day Correspondances  |  Elemental Correspondances

Chakra Correspondances  |  Healing Correspondances  |  Oil Correspondances

Animal Symbology  |  Tool Correspondances  |  Tree Symbology


Wiccan Correspondances  |  Grimoire  |  The Wiccaning

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