Page name: SB future~minor character:) [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-17 01:17:01
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Hey guys ^^

This is where all the part time characters go ^^

ep name-
Charater name-
Sexual like-

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Charater name- Alyla Turrner
Age- 850 years old but she looks 29.
Race- Vampire (Night one)
Sexual like- Guys
Power- Super speed, strenght, mind control and mind reading.
Weapons- Fangs and any kind of weapons.
History- She is the second wife of Remus Turrner and she is the step mother of Niol and Armond. She is the only one that Remus is nice too, it cause they love each other.

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Charater name- Kelly Smith Turrner
Age- 300
Race- Vampire
Powers- Super speed, strenght, mind control and mind reading.
Weapons- Fangs, claws and fighting skills
Sexual like- Guys
History- She is the mother of Luna, Jace and Alice
<img:stuff/3152497425_67b4d85e0f%5b1%5d.jpg> human form

ep name- [shadows of life]
character name- Ezio
age- 500
gender- male
race- immortal
sexual like- girls
powers- power control
weapons- magic
history- He doesn't talk about it.

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