# of watchers: 7
| D20: 4 |
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2010-09-13 [Surfin Max]: Maxwell walked down the hallway and passed by Moxy and Fangs. He sighed and shook his head sadly, guessing that Moxy had yet again pulled another childish stunt. He kicked the doors open and flopped down in a chair and put his feet on the table. "Sup!?" He smiled and laughed. "Another meeting about human world Domination?" He looked to Lilith and Karida. "Any plans, ladies?"
2010-09-13 [Wolfyy]: Karida- *Completely unfazed by Maxwell's random and obnoxious entrance as this happens often, points to Lilith* She was on to something when Moxy pulled a stunt. Now... *Thinks* We wolves are pack animals and hunt as a group by nature. But raising an army takes time, and patience. *Kiba nods in agreement*
2010-09-13 [Surfin Max]: Maxwell shook his head and laughed a little. "Oh, I remember those days. She's still just a pup though, be patient with her Karida." Maxwell looked to Kiba, but then looked to Lilith and Karida again. "It takes about a week for a were-wolf to fully turn, and about a month for them to become stable. So gathering up some wolves for an army wouldn't be difficult, but the training...wel
2010-09-13 [Cannibal Vampire]: Moxy:"Fangs Thanks."
Fangs:*Smiles and Blushes"
They both walk back in.
Fangs:*Sits down*
Moxy:*Sits on his lab*
2010-09-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilith looked at Maxwell."Why would I want to be the brains of this operation? I was after all invited to join this little group and I have gotten sick of seeing humans. So why me? Why not let Dracula's daughter just be the brains?" She was very relaxed thanks to Cain massaging her feet."Mmmm....
2010-09-13 [Cannibal Vampire]: Moxy:Well ummmm, that sound werid......
2010-09-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cain nodded a little as he massages Lilith's feet.
"What sounds weird?" She asked
2010-09-13 [Cannibal Vampire]: Fangs:""Mmmm..
Moxy:"Not gunna lie, it did sound werid"
2010-09-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "What? Cain gives heavenly foot massages." Lilith smiled a little.
2010-09-16 [Cannibal Vampire]: Moxy:"Dude truthfully it sound like yew moaned, not, 'Agh! life sucks!' Nein more like 'OH FANGS!!' moaned"
Fangs:*Face got all red like a cute little tomato*
2010-09-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "So your saying it was a sexual moan?"She raised an eyebrow at Moxy with a smirk on her face.
2010-09-16 [Cannibal Vampire]: Moxy:"Yesh, i am."
2010-09-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilith shrugged."So?"
2010-09-16 [Cannibal Vampire]: Moxy *signed* "It was werid! I mean, if yew wanna do him that bad, theres i room over there..." *Points to a blue door to the left of her chair and then laughed*
2010-09-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Selene sighed softly as she walked around. "Wonder what's new in the town jake?" she asked her pet as he walked beside her in his human form.
Jake shrugged. "not really sure...doesn't look like much to me." he said.
2010-09-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I have fucked Cain, I fucked him just because we came to this meeting."
2010-09-18 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: (oh wow...)
2010-09-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilith rolled her eyes."Your acting like a virgin over this." She chuckled.
2010-09-19 [Cannibal Vampire]: Fangs:"Im not a virgin."
2010-09-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilith rolled her eyes
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