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DeAndra (new pix bitches)

Member #47524 created: 2007-04-03 23:15:24Simple URL:   

Name: DeAndra LOVE


penguin and carter


yeah that would be me lol

Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-assSex-monsterCrazy kid

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hey im deandra love and i love partying and hanging out with my homies and thats it im a party animal and if you want to ask anything hit me up
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^^^^^^^^^^^######## ### ##^^#^^^^^^

Friend: Calls your parents "Mr." or "Mrs."
Juggalo: Call your parents "Mom" or "Dad."
Friend: Has never seen you cry.
Juggalo: Has the best shoulder to cry on.
Friend: Will leave you hanging to be with a crowd.
Juggalo: Always has your back.
Friend: Runs for help in a fight.
Juggalo: Jumps in the fight to help.
Friend: Will bail your stale ass out of Jail.
Juggalo: Will be sittin' right next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!"
Friend: Will help you move out of a house.
Juggalo: Will help you move a dead body out of the house.
Friend: Bums you a cigarette
Juggalo: Bums you his last pack
Friend: Is there when you need them
Juggalo: Is there even when you dont need them
Friend: Gets drunk at a party and pukes on your carpet
Juggalo: Feels worse than you do about puking on your carpet in the morning
Friend: Hides you from the cops
Juggalo: Is probably the reason the cops are after you in the first place
Friend: Lets you make an ass out of yourself in public
Juggalo: Is up there with you making an ass out of themselves too
Friend: Likes you cause your always doing stupid shit
Juggalo: Loves you even though you do stupid shit
Friend: Is shocked to find out your actually gay
Juggalo: Already knew but really could care less
Friend: Doesn't tell anyone if you kill the guy who tried to kill you
Juggalo: Helped you kill that asshole
Friend: Comes with you to your moms funeral
Juggalo: Cries with you at your moms funeral
Friend: Tells you when his parents doesnt want him to hang out with you any more
Juggalo: Laughs in his parents faces for saying that
Friends: Fade
Juggalos: Are 4 Ever

Age: 17Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 25

Gender: female

What do you do?: Working

Place of living: USA-Oregon

Exact place of living: Klamath Falls

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishGerman

alternativeheavy metalprogressive metal

Other interests
beercarschasing the preferred sex
role playingsingingsmoking

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: big breasted

Height: 163

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