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Fallen Angel 666 (oh so very bored...)
Name: Ashlee
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My name is Ashlee I live in Canada I'm 20...Thats all you get...message me if you feel the need t know more...

These are my monster Flibo and TukTuk

This is Ukikioukikou..dodododo..I'm a taurus! yup yup
These are the penguins i adopted ..this is Gurgle
..this is Furgle
..and Murgle

Believe in life on other planets?: yes
Magic?: yes
God? : nope
Satan?: yep
Santa?: nope
Ghosts?: yep
Luck?: yip
Love at first sight?: yip
Yin and Yang?: yes
Witches?: yip
Easter bunny?: no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: nope
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: YES! lol
Do you wish on stars?: sometimes
Here are some poems I wrote
**Our time is now.**
Our time is now, let's make it last.
The pain you caused I cant express;
But I blame myself for my distress.
It took so long; I tried so hard,
It left me with a broken heart.
It's been a long and hard 2 years-
I haven't shed a single tear.
I got attached, I dropped my guard,
And for it I got my heart scarred.
I know now I'm better off alone;
Looking back, I should have known.
Inside, I cant ignore the burning
Hope you to will see your turn.
I wear my mask, but you see through
Into my heart, where I placed you.
My love runs deep, but there it stays;
will I look at your face
Pretending I could be with you
When you're so happy without the truth.
I wished I could've given you the sky;
But promises can just make lies.
It hurts me still, seeing your face
And knowing that I lost the race.
A tragic end to a bitter start,
I loved you, lost you, broke my heart.
I know now were better off apart,
For you dear boy,
You my broke heart--
**Sunset of hate.**
I lie alone, I think of you,
Your untouched happiness--your truth.
I struggle for the words to say
How much I need your sweet embrace.
I see you on a sunset sky;
I remember your gentle hazel eyes.
She keeps you, love, a flightless bird,
My fear for you unseen, unheard.
While her love fails, I cry for you,
Why can't you see the bitter truth?
I'm losing in this uphill fight
To catch you as she steals your flight.
Your heart is hers, but you don't see
You're living in a daylight dream.
Before the end I guarantee,
She'll break your heart,
And you'll fall back me.
Together we'll watch shooting stars,
Forget our past; make a brand new start.
But you, my love, are a bird untamed
And will wander again to her lying game,
And here I'll stand, crying silently
Hoping someday that you'll really see
Me waiting here, your perfect mate,
While you fly across your sunset of hate--
**No excuse.**
I try to find a good excuse;
I have no reason to refuse.
It seems so perfect, loving you
But my armor guards me from the truth.
I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid
That I will break all that we've made.
If I confess, then things wont flow,
And it will only go to show
That I was right to live in fear;
To never love, or shed a tear.
But every time I close my eyes,
All I can see is the despise.
I don't know if you see it too;
But if you can, my heart is true,
I'm afraid to really try
'Cause I'm afraid I'll make you cry.
I've waited too long; I apologize,
‘Cause you're just so perfect in my eyes.
If we are really meant to be,
My heart is yours; you hold the key.
Together, if I break your heart,
We can always just try and restart.
And if it takes me a thousand tries;
Or if it takes me a hundred lies;
I'll make it work, I'll prove to you
My love is real, my heart is true.
Let's forget the memories, our faded scars
And start again, with brand new hearts.
Forget the mistakes of our past
And let's just try to make it last-
You can go away now...
^^^^^^^^^^^######## ### ##^^#^^^^^^
Here are some wikis im in
Are you strange?
Bored Peoples Bored Together
Batista Lovers
Eggar Allan Poe Society
Fishnet Fetishes
Happy BuNny!
kinky people united
Weit & Insane People
hated people
hilary duff haters united
Age: 21 | Year of birth: 1989 | Month of birth: 5 | Day of birth: 17 |
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
Place of living: Canada
Exact place of living: North Bay
Elfpack crew wannabe: No
goth | grunge | heavy metal |
punk | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
boardgames | books | card games |
cars | cats | chasing the preferred sex |
cooking | dogs | drinks |
eating | electronics | fantasy |
film | gambling | poetry |
porn | slacking | smoking |
shopping | travelling | whisky |
wine | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: big breasted
Height: 185