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sexybunnie (
luv me 4 hu i am nt hu u wnt me ta b)
Name: zoe Elizabeth-Claire Cameron-Mcintosh
ma best mates chrissy kirsty n ema
Elfpack titles and orders
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( . .)
C(")(")look it's me dudey or wat lol
/) /)
(^ ^)
C(")(") im happy awwww
hey how old do u fink i am e mail me and tell me and ill tell you my real age!!!!!!!!!!!
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *

if... i came in ta ur room rite now wud u :
1. be suprised (oh my fucking god ur actually here)
2. be very happy (im soooo happy ta c u)
3. ask me to join u in bed (yeeh haaa)
4. tlk (so sex???)
5. tell me get out!!
6. be angry (wat da fuck u doin here???)
7. laugh (hee hee)
8. smile (hia!!)
9. ave rampent sex wid me (oooh nice)
10. give me a big hug (yay!!)

if u gave me a hug dat leads to a kiss whichs leads ta sex i want a hug!!!!!!!!!
see my halo bright and shiney mess with me ill kick your hiney

gud fings cum ta those who wait so if ur waiting on me boy im gunna b l8

if i was a flower wud u pick me if i was a tear wud you wipe me if i was a sweet wud u suck me if i was a loli wud you like me n if i asked nicly wud u fuck me

ur sent to cupid courts 4 being fit as fuck and trespassing in my fantasys if ur found guilty up senteced 2 3hrs ov got sex wid me how do u plead

roses are red poems are corny take me 2 bed coz im feeling horny wen roses are red they are ready 2 be plucked wen i see u nxt ur gunna get fuckedxxx

humpty dumpty sat on a wall while little bo bo peep was giving him head wen he started to cum she began to weep cos she new by the taste hed been shagging her sheep

dressesonly go if they make boyz wanna take em off u
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *

ma m8's are
1.[EmO GuRl]great las to talk to any fucker else on here wanna mess her a bout think agen cos ill b o yer bk about it and trust me not nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
2.[virginboy]nice lad
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
3.[carly-babee]hey dis is a great las dnt get on the wrong sid on her cos other wise u wnt have just her arguein with yer there wilb me

.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
4.[robz]gr8 m8 i love him ta bits always knows wot to say talk to him he is a laugh
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
5.[hey]realy fit gr8 for havin laugh love him ta bits gr8 mate

.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
6.[sexikat :)]one of ma best m8's love ya ta bits gurl

.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
7.[matty4040]fit gr8 guy ta talk to and a good laugh
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
8.[~*sarah06*~]anova m8 from near me gr8 laugh don't pick on her about her height or u'll get a gob full trust me
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
9.[Im a Roofer]realy fit lad love him and he gr8 laugh like most people i talk ta 
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
10.[Damo]go friend gr8 to talk ta 
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
11.[Smiler]gr8 lad means world ta me there for me wen i was a bit down talk ta him but b warned he hates liers hint hint to some lases
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
12.[htbabe]anova m8 hu lives in carlisle
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
13.[gonner]fit gr8 to chat with and good at makin ya laugh
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
14.[Dwemer]fit fucker gr8 lad love him ta bit
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
15.[2fast2race]best lad ive met on here gr8 laugh and love him ta bits
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
16. [xShadowElf] hott really nice guy fuckin fit and love him ta bits
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
17. [big david] fuckin fit gr8 lad love him ta bits like i do most people
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
18. [Junky Monkey] gr8 lad sorry i hurt u but i had to get away it's not cos of the lasses on here it was me i had to get away i did love u but it just not there anymore and im reli sorry for hurting u please forgive me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
[-*sxyhyly*-]great mate always there for me wen u need her thnx girlx
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
[xoxemaxox] kwl girl from brampton mint lass talk ta her
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
[-x-maddie-x-] mint las from carlisle she spot on dnt dis her lol!!!
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *

[one winged_angel_kev]mint lad very random ull get wot i mean if u look at his page lol
.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:∫:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• *
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