[Cerulean Sins]'s diary

135240  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-10-13
Written: (4304 days ago)

going to a leaving party :)

135237  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-10-10
Written: (4307 days ago)
Next in thread: 135238, 135239

I'm back! :)

135230  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-10-01
Written: (4316 days ago)

I know I said I'll be away for 10 days but I'm taking my mum's tablet with me, so I can jump on for a 10 mins before bed :)

135226  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-09-29
Written: (4318 days ago)
Next in thread: 135232, 135338

I won't be on for the next few weeks because my Godkids have just lost their Nana. So I'm going over to help out their parents in any ways I can.

If you need me, I'll have my blackberry with me. So Facebook or Twitter or yahoo is the best way to get in contact with me.

135193  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-09-12
Written: (4335 days ago)
Next in thread: 135194

Back from my vacation :)

135185  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-09-06
Written: (4341 days ago)
Next in thread: 135186

Hi guys

I'm going away for 7 days to visit my godkids. If you need me then FB or tweet me and I'll get back to you :)

135170  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-23
Written: (4355 days ago)

Tempted to take up night classes at BordersCollege......just gotta figure out which course to take >.< *ponders this decision*

135138  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-08-08
Written: (4370 days ago)
135136  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-08-08
Written: (4370 days ago)

Had my interview :) I think it went well and I hope I get the job but I will find out on Monday :D

135129  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-08-04
Written: (4374 days ago)

Right I'm logging off for the day cause I really want to read Halfway to the grave by Jeaniene Frost. So yeah.....byezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :D

135127  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-02
Written: (4376 days ago)
Next in thread: 135131

I feel so silly cos I only have Tonsillitis XD The drugs Dr.Louis gave me are phemoxymethylpenicillin and I'm on a 7 day course.

I got mum to buy me ice cream, soup and yoghurt because I'm ill! Hehehehe! I love being ill cos mum always gets me whatever I want :D

135125  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-02
Written: (4376 days ago)


I have something to tell you all. I have a lump at the back of my mouth....well it's more like on my right tonsil. I find it hard to breath, to eat, to drink and to sleep. I didn't notice this until yesterday that I had a lump but for the past two weeks I've had a sore throat and I thought it was nothing. I thought it would go away by it's self but when I saw that lump.....I cried and freaked out. I'm pretty sure it's Tonsil Cancer or Tonsillitis but I'm seeing the doctor today and who know what Dr Louis will say. If it's nothing then I'll come home, get online and just laugh about it with you guys but...if it is something serious then I will only be able to contact people via my phone. And I'm not even sure if I will be able to use my phone because I'll most likely be sent to hospital.

Anyone off EP I have on my friends list on facebook will get a private message from with up-to-date news.....that's if I have to go to hospital.


Michelle xxx

135115  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-07-25
Written: (4384 days ago)

Right I'm off to my daddy's flat until Friday afternoon. So see ya all when I get back :D

135111  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2012-07-22
Written: (4387 days ago)

Right am off to bed because it's nearly 11pm here in Scotland and I have to get up at 7am.

The only reason why I am getting up that bloody early is because my parents are getting a new toilet for the bathroom but the plumber has to get into my room cos the fucking water tank is in my room.....well the door to get into the water tank is in my room. So the dude is coming to my house sometime this week, which means I have to move all my stuff on the right side of my room (two book cases, computer desk, computer chair and junk) to the left side of my room. I know it doesn't sound like much work but you haven't seen my room because it is a fucking pig sty. So yeah I gotta get up early to avoid my nagging mum who will piss me the fuck off with her annoying nagging questions. So yeah......fun times tomorrow XD

Right I need sleep, so I'll chat to you all when I finish my work *sighs*  

135107  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-07-21
Written: (4388 days ago)

Off to Liverpool today and then I'm going to my Grans house for the night :D So I won't be online until tomorrow at somepoint and I just thought you should all know :D

135105  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-07-20
Written: (4389 days ago)

Off to sleep because I'm going to Liverpool and I have to be up at 5am :O So I need sleep then coffee and smokes lol XD

Night :D

135099  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-07-14
Written: (4395 days ago)

Hey Guys :)

I'm off to [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house because it's my eldest godkids 4th birthday today. So I'll be back on Friday 20 July 2012 :)

On Saturday 21 July 2012 I'm going to Liverpool with my Auntie, Cousin and his girlfriend to go shopping. So I won't be back until Sunday 22 July 2012 :D

135089  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-07-04
Written: (4405 days ago)

Hey Guys

I promised my daddy that I would go up to Bo'ness (which is near Edinburgh, Scotland) today until Friday, so I can paint his flat (apartment), mow the law, etc Blah! =/

So yeah I'll be back on Friday :D

135060  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-06-23
Written: (4416 days ago)

Well that's me back from [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house. I had such a good time with her, Sean and the godkids :D I still haven't heard back from the Black Swan pub about the job yet but I hope the dude will call me soon. Anyways I have a BBQ tomorrow which I'm super excited about because it's an engagement BBQ....so I need to think of something to wear lol My daddy is wanting me to paint his flat on Thursday and Friday, so I'll be offline on those days because he doesn't have internet and I hate using my blackberry to get onto EP. I made a ton of money on ebay thanks to my Sailor Moon addition, so I'll be posting stuff away on Monday :P And I still need to clean my room up a wee bit.

I have a few things to sort out with the PR department (hopes I don't lose my Scottish Temper :P) and I need to figure out new dates for my contests. So yeah I just need to get on top of my EP work and my RPG's :D

Oh yeah my low blood pressure is kicking my fat Scottish ass! D:

Soooooo yeah that's a very small update on my life at the moment hehehe

135053  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-06-16
Written: (4423 days ago)
Next in thread: 135054

My job interview for the black swan pub in Kelso, went really good. I think I have a strong chance of getting the job even though I've never worked in a bar before but my charming personalty has given me a leg up :D

Just thought I would share this with you all lol I'll find out if I have the job or not by the middle of next week :) I'll keep you all up to date 

135051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-06-15
Written: (4424 days ago)

Hey Guys

Guest what?! I have an interview at one of the local pubs in Kelso! :D My interview is at 9am today then after that I'm going to visit [**Yummy**Mummy**], her hubby and the god kids for 8 days.

I'll still be online but I'll only be on to do the PR stuff eg Facebook & Twitter :D I'll be back home on Saturday 23 June 2012

Keep an eye on FB to see how my interview went! :D

Love ya all <3

 The logged in version 

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