[fu**(fuse)]'s diary

125490  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-09-23
Written: (5365 days ago)

I'm thinking about being a vampire for Halloween but I has no fangs.. or monies for fangs. :/ Humph.. <--(My thinking pout sound)
Perhaps I can get some with my birthday monies.. Or ASK for some for my birthday ...or have I mentioned my


??? ^^ (Yeah I like to say I'm growing with speed. El es venticuatro de octubre. <--Si, its spanish. <4 and yes its my birthday.. 
125360  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-09-13
Written: (5376 days ago)


Oh joy! ^^ <4 This is Aidensauce wearing the things i sent him XDD And Yes i did actually wear all those things before.. >.> even the band-aid, BUT I putted it on my arm where there was no boo boo..cause I thought it was nifty, then I put it on my wall, then i put it on his letter, now it's on his face! 8D WOO! {It's been through a lot :P}

125304  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-09-09
Written: (5379 days ago)
Next in thread: 125305

WOO! ^^ Okies so today was awesome! ^____^

You see, this guy I like, his name is Brandon and he has brown hair (yay!), Gorgeous blue eyes, (Double yay!) and he's tall and has a great smile, P(Perfect, For me, I know.) ^^

But yeah, he's like 14 or 15, and turnes out he thinks I'm cute! 8D

So yeah, its all good here.

Umm.. the weird thing is, is that he drinks blood. (At least thats the rumor I've heard about him) <,< >.>
But I'm sure, almost positive, that's just a rumor. *nod*
Infact, I know it's a rumor cause this girl told me, and she likes him. So she tried to scare me.. I guess.. Dumb girl. :P 

But anyway. <4

125273  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-09-07
Written: (5381 days ago)

Evey straightened my hair! ^^ I'm (hopefully) taking photos today! ^^ YAY! It's a really nice day out, only 79 degrees today, with wind, so it's amazing out! ^^ I'm probablly going to go out and walk/run today. WOO! <4

125262  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-09-06
Written: (5382 days ago)



..I wish someone was online today..

To tell me everythings going to be alright.

To tell me, "Its just a hard time,"

And To Hold My Head Upright.

I wish you we're here today,
To wipe away my tears,
to tell me "You're Okay",
To fight off all my fears.

But I Guess Wishes are for fools,
who believe in all the lies.

The Fools Who smiles everyday,
And crys every night.


125122  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-09-01
Written: (5388 days ago)
Next in thread: 125123

All you kids out there, who think you're so cool. You don't know cool like I know cool. YEAH!

Yes, I know. That was pointless, but I, BekahBurger, would Like to say that for all the kids who have horrid first days of school, and for all the kids who sleep too much, and for all the kids who play video games too much..<____< Then well, I wuv you. <333

YAY! And that I dont believe in flamingos. XD


I'm really bored, and tired. ^^ WOOO!

So yeah, sorry the kid who slept all day, we didnt chat today. :P

..and yes, I'm that mean kid who only stole One skate. MUhahahaahahaha! *giggles* ^____^ I still find that very amusing! *is evil*


Because <3 is so over-rated
125043  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-27
Written: (5392 days ago)

. What Is Your Natural Hair Colour?

2. Where Was Your Profile Picture Taken?
William's car! :3

3. What's Your Middle Name?

4. Your Current Relationship Status?
Garba nogging ding flik. =____=

5. Honestly, Does Your Crush Like You Back?
Doubt it... >_____>

6. What Is Your Current Mood?

7. What Colour Underwear Are You Wearing?
blue and white XD

8. What Makes You Happy?
Hollysauce, Aidenface, school friends, Sim talk ;D, talking on phone, sunsets/rises...

9. Are You Musically Inclined?
Deep down inside I sure I am..

10. If You Could Go Back In Time, And Change Something What Would It Be?
*thinks* Nothing. All that happened to me, made me what I am today. And I'm pretty happy with myself.

11. If You MUST Be An Animal For ONE Day- What Would You Be?

12. Ever Had A Near Death Experience?
I fell into a pool when I was 5, almost drowned at Wet-n-Wild, and my cousin tried to rape and kill me..

13. Something You Do A Lot?
Dance, talk on phone ;D, eat, sleep, read, breathe

14. What's The Name Of The Song Stuck In Your Head Right Now?
Ring Around The Rosie? 0___o

15. Who Did You Copy And Paste This From
[L'il Porkchop]

16. Name Someone With The Same B-day As You?

17. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
Yesterday. (close death)

18. Have You Ever Sang In Front Of A Large Audience?

19. If You Could Have One Super Power What Would It Be?
Teleportation (I'd go and hang with Hollysauce and Aidenface all day and night XD)

20. What's The First Thing You Notice On A Person?
Eyes, smile, hair. If I like that then I'd either be really shy, or I'd be really happy-go-lucky and talk to them *nod*

21. What Do You Usually Order From Starbucks?
I'm to poor for starbucks =__=

22. What’s Your Biggest Secret?
I plead the fifth.

23. What's Your Favorite Colour?

24. When Was The Last Time You Lied?

25. Do You Still Watch Kiddy Movies Or TV Shows?
Pfft, yeah! >8D

26. Do You Have Braces?
I wish. I need. I want.. a guy with braces is For The Win!

27. If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It Be?
Honestly, my teeth.

28. What Are You Eating Or Drinking Atm?
none :p

29. Do You Speak Any Other Language?
Si! ...mas-o-menoes/Asi-Asi. I'm learning spanish, does that count?

30. What's Your Favorite Smell?
Walnut whip Body mist. 8Q

31. When Was The Last Time You Shaved Your Legs?
Um. I plead the fifth? =____=;

32. What Were You Doing This Morning At 8am?
1st period. :P

33. What Were You Doing 15 Minutes Ago?
Talking to Aidenface on the phone.

34. What Are You Wearing?
My ninja T-shirt and Pj pants.

35. Are You Mad At Anyone Right Now?
not really. :P

36. The Last 2 People To Say They Loved You?
Kris and Tiffany... >___>

37. Last Thing Received In The Mail?
Tiffany's necklace =____=

38. Do You Have Any Famous Relatives?

39. Have You Ever Been Searched By The Cops?
No,thank gawd.

40. How Is Your Hair?
Currently in a updo. (cute messy bun) But it's meduim length and I have side bangs to the right. *nod*

41. How Many Different Drinks Have You Had Today?
Water..and..thats all. 0.o? Wow. OH! No wait, and tea.

42. What Have You Eaten Today?
Yep. Salad for breafest, peice of poptart, school lunch, and dinner. :/

43. Are You Good At Maths?

44. Do You Have Plans On Saturday Night?
No. ><;

45. Do You Draw Your Name In The Sand When You Go To The Beach?
Yeah, sometimes.

46. Have You Ever Been Awake For 48 Hours Straight?
Yeah. ^__^ Good times, eh Aiden?

47. Do You Like The Ocean?
Yep, it's nice and relaxing.

48. What Are You Excited About?
Unfortunally, school -.-

49. What Did You Do Last Night?
<.< Sleep?

50. Are Any Of Your Great-Grandparents Still Alive?

51. Where Do You Keep Your Change?
In a chinise purse/sack in my bookbag. :p

53. Would You Rather Sleep With Someone Or Alone?

54. Do You Like Your Name?
Meh. It's my name, it suits me..
Rebekah Michelle Gordon

55. Would You Have Sex With Anyone On Your Friends List?
*grins* I plead the fifth

124971  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-25
Written: (5394 days ago)

My First Day Of School...

Was alright. :/ The only good thing is that I found my very own really cute freshie XD ..too bad he's 14. :/

The hallways we're so humid, I swear I could of died right then and there >< It sucked so bad.

But everything else was OK.

Well not really, It turnes out 2nd period, (sewing class) I'm stuck with my sister and her freshie. :P And 1st is civics and Economics. (I hate history)
And third is Alegbra, (math hates me) XD And 4th is spanish, (It's not so bad but I have no friends in there to talk to :/)

Soooo I'll talk about how I met my freshie, since thats was one of my wishes for this year, to get a freshie. Well in lunch, I was like in line, well first I cutted my freshie in line (I didnt know him then :P) But he seemed cool about it. So I made my friends cut infront of him, to see what he would do. (Yeah i'm mean like that, it's a test to see if they can handle my jerkeyness.) And he didn't mind, but when I looked UP at him, (Yes he's taller..ima sucker for height) he smiled at me, in which he has a Great smile ^^ (I notice things like this) AND so I was like, "are you a freshman?
and he was like, "Yeah. *smile*" and i was like, "Yeeeaahh, I could tell." At that my friends laughed and he grinned, (At this point, I realized he was totally rad, even though he was wearing preppy Ambercrombie clothes) so i was like, "whats your name?" he answered, "Caleb" Soo I started talking to him, along with Evey, and we chatted until it was time for me to order, so I ordered and asked Caleb if he had anywhere to sit, and he was like, "Umm well I'm gonna see if this other girl I met is here.." So i was like, "Ah yeah, well if she's not, just look for the red flaming hair" and he laughed. As I sat, he looked around and spotted me (which isnt hard to so XD) And I gave him my Peace sign, (My new way of saying hello) Along with a smile and he came and sat with me and we ate and chatted and now he's my freshie! YAY!!! ^^

The rest of the day was fail. XD <3
124761  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-21
Written: (5398 days ago)

I was just looking back into my online diary, and I realized that it cuts off and now I cant look back on what I was thinking from years ago.. :( I think that super sucks, but I guess it makes sence... *sigh* :P At least my at home diarys cant be deleted.

124707  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-19
Written: (5400 days ago)

Who knew, from an innocent friendship, to best friends, to lovers, to heartbreak, to one of us in the hospital because of attempt of suicide.

I should have seen this coming. I wish I never would have been so attached.
Damn my good looks, and "pure heart".
Pffft pure heart my ass! >,<

124704  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-19
Written: (5400 days ago)

It wasn't supost to turn out this way.
But really? What goes right now-a-days?

124687  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-18
Written: (5401 days ago)
Next in thread: 124689

-[Neurotic Obsession]-This Is Raphie. I love him.
He's mine, so back off. ^^
He's so pretty,
he always seems to dazzle me with his words,
leaving me blushing, or grinning from ear to ear.
And He's the one to inspire me
to write poetry again. He is the only one I can
Spend forever talking to on Stickam.com
He is my Sunny Day,
and he has a special place in my heart, kidney, and spleen.
Raphie always puts me first, and I love him for that.
I dunno what I'll do if I lost hims. <333333

Today. We Broke up. Yep. The engaged are now no more, and i dont know how to feel about that. :/ I Still love him.. but..I think I'm going into shock. Is it truely over? What now? whats next?...I think I'm gonna faint. I shall never watch another disney movie or talk in german or french, or go on stickam without thinking of him.. And It doesnt help that I have his necklace. I guess it goes into my treasure box. *sigh* What was I thinking? How could anyone like that ever last with me? I dont deserve his love and now i need to lose weight cause he likes curvey girls. I'm done for. This chapter ended for me. I need to shed my old skin and start a new. 
124620  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-16
Written: (5403 days ago)

I Hope This Makes, You smile.
And you might stay this way for a while.
Cause You deserve, every grin, that you get.
And you'll get them a lot from me, oh I hope! ^^ <3

124599  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-15
Written: (5404 days ago)


"How much more weight are you gonna lose?"


"I won't be happy, until I hit '0'."

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Check Out ana can help

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