[timmyT]'s diary

131946  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-03-17
Written: (5082 days ago)

All throughout histerey one group of people has always tried to fight agenst another group of people for one reason or anuther. Amarica ribelld agenst englind because they were tiyerd of all of englinds ridikyouliss laws and there obillitey to change them on a wim. Agest all odds the british were diffeeted. My personl bealeaf is the reason the british lost is because they got overley confident and underestimated the amaricans. Fast forwerd about 100 years the northern and sothern hafes of the united states begin fighting because the soulth wonted to separate its self from the contrey.the soulth might have won if it wasnot for por planning on there part.just reasonley the dicktater of eagipt steped don from power after month of ribleing from the people . this esy has tote you anything I hope it that over cofidens is the gratest enemy.

131933  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-03-15
Written: (5084 days ago)

All throughout histerey one group of people has always tried to fight agenst another group of people for one reason or anuther. Amarica ribelld agenst englind for rilijst freedumagents all odds the british were diffeeted. My personl bealeaf is the reason the british lost is because they got overley confident and underestimated the amaricans. Fast forwerd about 100 years the northern and sothern hafes of the united states begin fighting because the soulth wonted to separate its self from the contrey.the soulth might have won if it wasnot for por planning on there part.

131932  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-03-15
Written: (5084 days ago)

YouTube: Way More Than Just Hits in the Groin
Thousands upon thousands of people log onto YouTube every day to listen to music, watch videos of kitties, or do several other things video-related. A much smaller percentage are the ones who make these videos that we all enjoy so much. A video can take anywhere from two minutes to more than a week to make, depending on the quality. I make videos with my good friend—let’s call him Mr. D. I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to video making, but I specialize in Speakonia videos and Let’s Plays, the former consisting of still pictures or videos of a character, presumed to be the speaker, spoken over by a computer-generated voice from the program Speakonia, which usually intends as a video to parody said character and often contains inappropriate content and racial slur, though usually not used in racial context. The latter, Let’s Plays, consist of recorded footage of a video game played by the person the video is credited to, while the same person adds humorous or explanatory commentary.  Making the video is fun, but for me, the most thrilling part is uploading them. When you get a lot of positive feedback on a video, it is better than any high anyone could experience. Each video is like a child. You only want to see them be successful, and as fun as it is to make them, the positive feedback is better. But unlike a child, a video will not grow into an angsty teenager, disown you and move in with its boyfriend or girlfriend, whom you probably don’t much care for anyway, but enough of my pointless ramblings. Throughout most of my YouTube “career,” I’ve gotten mainly very positive feedback. Some people have called me a comedy genius, and the strangest comment I ever received told me I was a god. My biggest inspirations for videos were Mr. D; someone with the username FireGXLOL, who was one of the first people to bring Speakonia to YouTube; ChuggaaConroy, a very popular Let’s Player; NintendoCapriSun, a more laidback

131850  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-03-08
Written: (5091 days ago)

Thousands of people are, at this very minute, turning on a game system or computer. More than likely, they will either be battling a fierce demon or “pwning a n00b” in a poorly-designed battlefield. I remember when I got my first shooting game. It was Goldeneye. I remember that every time I played the game, I went in with one mindset: don’t blink; shoot anything that moves.  After an extended period of time, I started to act that way… minus the shooting part, thankfully. I became really aggressive and my brain shut off. Several years after that, I started playing games like EarthBound, Final Fantasy and Super Mario RPG—role-playing games, a term commonly shortened to RPGs—and I felt much calmer and started doing better in school; however, these are just my personal experiences and I cannot speak for the whole world.  [] indicates a large increase in murders associated with violence in shooting games—games like Halo and Call of Duty. Personally, I believe RPGs are better, because although they do contain occasional acts of violence, they allow the player to think about what they are doing. People who play these games often tend to be more creative, and they are also better problem solvers in most situations. I believe this is because in most of these games, it is common for certain types of enemies to need certain types of weapons or items in order to be beaten.          Shooting games, on the other hand, are a one-size-fits-all thing; fire enough bullets and anything will die. In my opinion, these games are simple games for the simple-minded.  Throughout this whole paper, I’ve been bashing the first-person shooter game genre; however, playing those games can be a good way to relax and a good outlet for anger. Not all people who play them are stupid, arrogant, or rude, based this information on several different personal experiences. One can meet the same type of person playing RPGs.

131699  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-02-22
Written: (5105 days ago)

Gamer behavyer typs
Thowlsunds of people are at this very minet terning on a game system or computer . More then likely they will eather be battling a fears deamind or powning a noob in a porley disned battlefeald. When you play these games with these people are? I reameber when I got my first shooter game, it was called goldin eay , I rimeber every time I played the game I whent in with 1 minde set don’t think , shoot anything that moives.
After a exstended peareyid of time I started to act that way mines the shooting part I became realy agresiv and my brain shut off. Sevrl years after that I started playing games like earthbound finle fantisey super Mario rpg and I felt much calmer and I started doing beter in school. However these are just my personl expereyisis and I canot speek for the hole world.
 indactes a lage rise in death asoseyatid with violems in videogames like halo call of dute ect. Pesonley I bealeyv RPGs are better because although they do ocayshinley contane ocshinl acts of vieolens they alow the player to think about what they are doing. People who play these games ofin tend to be more creyativ . they are also better problem salvers in most sichuwaytions. I bealave that this is because in most of these games it is comin for enimeys in these typs of games to need spusific itumes in order to be beatin.
Shooter games on the otherhand are a ones sise fits all thing. Fiear enuf built and anything will die

131698  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-02-22
Written: (5105 days ago)

"You have just unlocked NESS, the PSI-powder youth!" Little did I know it, but those words would forever change my life and who I am as a person. Let me give you more back story. When I was ten, I bought a game called Super Smash Bros. It was a fighting game with many well-known Nintendo characters- Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, etc. - however, there was one character who, no matter how I tried, I could never unlock. One night, at a church gathering, my cousin told me how to unlock Ness.
I tried for what seemed like forever to beat the game with three lives. Eventually, the special character screen showed and the fight began. As the fight progressed, I thought to myself, Wait, I have never seen anyone like Ness before. He was a kid who looked no more than 13 and looked like a baseball player, but he shot fire out of his hands and missiles out of his head.
After I won the fight, I looked at his character bio, which said he was from a game called Earthbound.  I quickly turned on my computer, and, long story short, my computer fried. I knew it would be awhile before I would be getting a new computer, so I gave up on researching the game for a while. Several years later, I was in a computer class, and I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to start researching the game again. I came across an article about the ending of the game. It scared me half to death. The article was filled with horrifying images and had a video of the final boss.
The following is a passage from the article.        Shigesato Itoi stated that his “inspiration for Giygas came from a traumatic childhood experience where he mistakenly walked into an adult movie theater and caught a glimpse of a rape scene in the 1957 movie Kenpei to Barabara Shibijin. In Earthbound, Giygas is the main antagonist, who gains such a chaotically menacing power that it destroys himself. Riddled insanity warped his already corrupted mind to complete destruction. When confronted, Giygas loses his mind completely, and becomes blinded by his own irrationalities, eventually to the point where he looses awareness completely. Without a body or mind, Giygas manifests himself into a distorted image of suffering, lashing out in an idiotic blind rage, in a sense, comparable to the Lovecraftian god Azathoth.” The passage was found here: http://www.digitalsomething.com/articles/14.html For the longest time, that article made no sense to me, driving me insane. One thing the article frequently mentioned was ‘nightmare’ or ‘fear,’ so I typed “Ness’s nightmare” into YouTube. I found several clips of the game, and my obsession returned at full force. After seeing many YouTube videos about Earthbound, I was inspired to make my own YouTube channel, which, I am proud to say, has become fairly popular.
Shortly after I made the YouTube account, I became close friends with someone who, if not for the fact that he, too, liked Earthbound, I would have never met. One day I was on a web site called billed your own south park corrupter I was trying to make Ness Eric the person in question asked me if I was making Ness I was shocked because I thought I was the only person who liked earthbound within a 1000 mile ratios ever sense then we have been the best of friends. We have been working together on just about everything.  Soon afterward, I learned that there was a sequel to Earthbound, called Mother 3, available only in Japan. After downloading a ROM of the game and an English translation patch for it, I began playing the game extensively, and was very moved by the game’s intense story. In fact, Mother 3 is the first game that ever made me cry. I can safely say, as well as millions of others, that I am a better person thanks to those two games.

131642  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-02-17
Written: (5110 days ago)

Gamer behavyer typs
Thowlsunds of people are at this very minet terning on a game system or computer . More then likely they will eather be battling a fears deamind or powning a noob in a porley disned battlefeald. When you play these games with these people are? I reameber when I got my first shooter game, it was called goldin eay , I rimeber every time I played the game I whent in with 1 minde set don’t think , shoot anything that moives.
After a exstended peareyid of time I started to act that way mines the shooting part I became realy agresiv and my brain shut off. Sevrl years after that I started playing games like earthbound finle fantisey super Mario rpg and I felt much calmer and I started doing beter in school. However these are just my personl expereyisis and I canot speek for the hole world.
  indactes a lage rise in death asoseyatid with violems in videogames like halo call of dute ect. Pesonley I bealeyv RPGs are better because although they do ocayshinley contane ocshinl acts of vieolens they alow the player to think about what they are doing. People who play these games ofin tend to be more  creyativ . they are also better problem salvers in most sichuwaytions. I bealave that this is because in most of these games it is comin for enimeys in these typs of games to need spusific itumes in order to be beatin.
Shooter games on the otherhand are a ones sise fits all thing. Fiear enuf built and ab\nything will die.

130983  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-12-09
Written: (5180 days ago)

happy b day kayro

130933  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-11-30
Written: (5189 days ago)
Next in thread: 130934

im realy pisst off cuz i was suposed 2 werk with sum1 on a project a month ago and we still 8nt dun it

130557  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-10-03
Written: (5247 days ago)

sorry iv been gone message if u wona no y

129733  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-07-20
Written: (5322 days ago)
Next in thread: 129734, 129766

u all get mad about me always being so sad all the time WELL THERS NOT SHIT I CAN DO ABOUT IT i cant aford ati dipresints and mader what i do i cant fix anything it allway blows up in my face n every 1 ignors me exsept 2 complane bowt it

127864  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-02-11
Written: (5481 days ago)
127863  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-02-11
Written: (5481 days ago)
127594  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-01-29
Written: (5494 days ago)
127519  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-01-26
Written: (5497 days ago)
127162  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-01-11
Written: (5512 days ago)
127161  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-01-11
Written: (5512 days ago)
127160  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-01-11
Written: (5512 days ago)
127150  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-01-10
Written: (5512 days ago)


127075  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-01-07
Written: (5516 days ago)

postman@1101.com. shigsoto itoy's email adress

126361  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-11-24
Written: (5560 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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