[FireGypsy]'s diary

104467  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-08-21
Written: (6384 days ago)
Next in thread: 104473


My photoshoot today was amazing. The photographer was awesome. I got tons of new pics. I wont have the majority of them until I receive the CD in the mail, but they are beautiful.


103927  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-08-14
Written: (6391 days ago)


So my job is absolutely perfect.

I work for Mary Lame' Wrought Iron and Aluminum Inc. ( www.marylame.com ) I am a welder/fabricator. I make railings, window guards, gates, fences, spiral staircases, etc. There are only 3 other welders, all men. There has never been a female worker there before. I am the first =)

Everybody is SO laid back there. There isn't anybody up our ass all the time. We are given the order, and we make it. Simple. Safety is up to us. Nobody yells at us to wear steel toe boots or wear safety glasses. But if we are smart, we will. There hasn't been an accident there in 10+ years (surprisingly). The other welders are cool as shit! Two of them are hippies and the other is the boss' son. Adam brings me to work in the morning since my job is 5 minutes away from his. But I get out of work earlier than him so I get a ride home from Carmine, one of the hippie guys. Carmine gives the other hippie guy a ride home too. And man oh man, most of the people who work there smoke weed =)

I am excited to have a steady schedule! And I have the weekends off!

Go me!

102594  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-18
Written: (6419 days ago)

Wheee! I have an underwater mermaid photoshoot tomorrow!! Should be super fun! I can't wait! I have gotten in contact with about 5 different underwater photographers so I will probably have more soon =) I am excited!

Also, Friday I am leaving for Massachusetts for 8 days =) A week of no worries and partying! I miss my old friends so much! The first few days I will be in Vermont for Adam's brother's wedding though.

100950  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-14
Written: (6452 days ago)

Okay so last weekend was so much fun!

My friends Jeff, Raven, and I were put in charge of performing a Fire Show for the John Levique Pirate Days in Gulfport. The Fire Show would only be on Saturday. So we got in garb (jeff as a pirate and Raven and I as gypsys/belly dancers) and went to the fair. We spend most of the day mingling, dancing, hooping and just being ourselves. There was a tribe of bellydancers there that ranged in the 160-300 pound category which was quite disturbing if I must say. But everyone there was dressed up and such.

So I was there maybe 2 hours before Jeff runs up to me asking me to be on cast because someone never showed up so I played a wench on a boat during the Pirate Ship invasion which was quite fun. Everyone was shooting off old school cannons and guns (with only gun powder in them of course) at other ships and such. What Jeff didn't tell me is that the other ships had high power SALT water cannons, so I went on the boat looking fab and came off the boat looking like a drown cat. I met some really cool people and I even had some guy buy me a drink in a bar hehe.

So after that I was in the Pirate parade. And then Raven and I just started hooping. Hooping is amazing! So blah blah blah the day goes by, there are staged fights in the fight circle and at various places around John's Pass. So the drum circle starts going and the obese belly dancers start nauseating the crowd until Raven and I grab our hoops and decide that it is time to scare the obese women away from our circle. So we take off our long skirts and put on our short hoop skirts. Then we hoop to the drums waiting for the sun to go down. So I light up my fire hoop as a teaser and we go back to regular hooping. Raven and I then do our fan duet and continue hooping. And then we just go nuts with fire! Fans, swords, ropes, hoops, belt, poi, lots of fire toys being used. It turns out that we held the crowd for 2 1/2 hours. That is 2 1/2 hours of constantly moving! We got $140 in tips that we divided between the three of us. After the show we chilled for a while and went home.

Came back the next day and pretty much just chilled all day since we had nothing to do. Hooped for a while, danced for a while, and just had fun. I went off and hung out with a bunch of people down at the docs and we sang sea chantes for a while. In all, it was an awesome fucking time and I met some amazingly awesome people. I found most of them on myspace hehe. Yup, good times!

99359  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-13
Written: (6484 days ago)

My first fire dancing gig went WAY better than I expected! I performed for a 40th birthday party. I did a set of poi, fans, hoop, and sword and one more set of poi. I charged $50 for the event and they gave me $65! I stayed and played some poker had some food. There was a photographer there who took some fucking AMAZING pictures of me! I mean AMAZING! I have never seen such amazing pictures in my life! So I am getting copies of all of those FREE! Also, the woman whos house I performed at needs a babysitter, so I am going to do that. In all, it was a super fun time and went way better than I expected!! I am making business cards soon since everyone was asking for them and I had not yet made any.

98013  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6519 days ago)
Next in thread: 98023

So I have decided to get back into modeling. I have been searching my butt off for casting calls and auditions for modeling jobs, films, commercials, music videos, promotions and other related stuff. So far I have sent out about 10 emails regarding various jobs. I am hoping that some of them get back to me. I am hoping to do a TFCD with someone from Model Mayhem that I trust to help me with my portfolio and hopefully, if they come out good, I will be chosen to do some paid commercial print work. I also requested a photographer to help me catch some great fire photos. So I am hoping to get some responses from that. Just an update on some stuff that I am hoping to accomplish ^_^

97830  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-06
Written: (6521 days ago)
Next in thread: 97831, 97838, 97957, 97991

Omfg! Proof that I have no life...

I HAVE an interview for an open casting call in Orlando to be on the reality TV show "American Princess"! I have talked with them, and give my talents and hobbies, they say I have a pretty damn good shot at being chosen to be on the show. The winner receives an actual British title and everything. My interview is on the 14th. They say I start out with an off-camera interview, and if they like me, they will do an on-camera one.

Orlando is about 2 1/2 hours away, but it would be SO worth the drive if I actually got on the show! Here is to hoping that you ALL will be seeing me on television in the near future ^_^

Rock on fuckers!

97227  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6533 days ago)

Holy in need of an update! My profile still said that I work at Autozone XD Wow I am neglectful! Oh, and if anyone on my friends list doesn't have it already, Here is my myspace.


or you can search for "Fire Gypsy" or even my full name, if you know it, Mua Hahaha!

97221  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6533 days ago)

So, about my last diary entry about that MIG welding job, turns out the guy who needed a MIG welder was a fucktard. He requested that I weld for him, so I did, he said that I had excellent welding skills and that I definitely knew what I was doing, which I do. He then wanted to see me oxy-acetelyne cut, so I did. I never practiced that in high school because I never had the need to, so I was a bit scratchy with it. So he tell me that the wheels that they weld on the racks that carry the glass go bad, and when they do, they pretty much melt the weld off with the oxy-acetelyne torch. He told me that he was looking for someone efficient in that. He called it "washburning" which I have never heard of in my 4+ years of training (probably because he made it up). So I pretty much didn't get the job because I was a bit rusty with a torch, even though I could have practiced and got better. I thought he wanted a MIG welder, not some fucking washburn freak. If the wheels go bad so often, why don't you fucking bolt it on the racks and replace them when they go bad, instead of "washburning" it off. Makes a bit more sense now doesn't it? Fucktard. So some smelly ass perverted old fuck probably got the job like always, just because I am a girl and I obviously don't know what I am doing.... But I dont really care because it was an hour away and they were moving 2 hours away in a couple of years.

 The logged in version 

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