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2005-10-19 [RabidSphinx]: but there is "nude art" up all over the place on here, and if the person is drawing it as a figure study, not as "porn" or anything meant to be sugestive, and they have it posted on a private wiki, wouldn't it be allowed? even if they are a minor? i mean, i was doing nude stills while in school myuself
2005-10-20 [Ringbearer]: According to rule S2 minors shouldnt have access to nude wiki's. Thats more the deal here.
2005-10-20 [Sunrose]: The images of drugs are not offensive to me and just looking at weed doesn't make me smoke it either or tell me it is OK to smoke it. You have made clear you are against images of drugs ages ago, the rules are still not going to change [RabidSphinx].
2005-10-22 [RabidSphinx]: i was merely asking again, since others have come to me recently, asking me why the images were not banned/ if they could report people for such images. so, i thought i would ask again, and hope maybe the rules would change. i could argue that images of nakid people don't offend me, and seeing racial images don't make people hate different races, yet there are rules against such images...but i wont...goodnes
2005-10-23 [Sunrose]: I think btw [Ringbearer] that nude art in the sense of drawings done by minors should perhaps be allowed..
2005-10-23 [Ringbearer]: I dont mind, but then the UAR should be revised slightly.
2005-10-23 [Sunrose]: I think the rules mostly mean pictures anyway.. :)
2005-10-23 [Ringbearer]: Okies... that explains a bit. In that case, he's welcome.
2005-10-24 [RabidSphinx]: that was what i was thinking. :]
2005-10-31 [Analeyin]: :D Yay!
2005-11-01 [RabidSphinx]: happy halloween everyone...:)
2005-11-13 [Porcelain.]: hey just a question but is the only way to upload pictures through the photo/image thing on your house? message me if there's an easier way thankies xxx
2005-11-13 [Sunrose]: There is another way, but only granted to those of whom we know won't upload any random, stolen or illegal images.
2005-11-14 [RabidSphinx]: really? i didn't even know that. *special*
2005-12-13 [Vintage FM]: I don't understand what rule I broke, anybody know why this was removed from my page?
2005-12-13 [Ringbearer]: Cause it originated from Elftown?
2005-12-13 [Sunrose]: And why do you not ask the Guard who removed it? :)
2005-12-17 [Vintage FM]: I did ask he didn't tell me, and it's not from Elftown.
2005-12-17 [Sunrose]: It is from MusMakers, he actually did say that.
2006-01-18 [Analeyin]: Is nudity in the form of ASCI/ASCII in a minor house illegal... There are no provisions above for text art. There's one text-painted nude woman that crops up all over minors' pages, and I wanted to know if it falls somewhere under the UAR Minor Nudity rules, so I can start "Please take it down or I'll report"...
2006-01-18 [Sunrose]: No, I think the ascii art is ok...in the sense of not violating the UAR.
2006-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: i still hate those things though...too many pepole substitue a profile for having one of those instead...it's like, "be amazed by my amazing ability to 'copy and paste'!!!" ><;
2006-02-06 [Spyro]: I have a question bout tha uploadin rulez? Wut bout a pic of a woman (my ex-wife) breast feedin my baby girl? Wud tht c allowed?
2006-02-06 [Sunrose]: Did she give permission?
2006-02-06 [Spyro]: Um, she's dead... She died about six years ago...
2006-02-07 [Sunrose]: >_>'
2006-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: :(
2006-02-07 [Spyro]: yeah... aight... srry i askd...
2006-03-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ........
2006-03-18 [SimpleAnnie]: I know there isn't anything mention about it, but are images showing minors doing weed aloud??
2006-03-18 [Sunrose]: I guess so.. :)
2006-03-19 [RabidSphinx]: which i disagree with strongly.
2006-03-19 [Sunrose]: That's nice..
2006-03-19 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... so I guess I don't have to ask about this pic
2006-03-19 [SimpleAnnie]: yeah that's the one I was talking about :-P
2006-03-20 [Sunrose]: Nope :P
2006-03-22 [***king krash***]: hellloooooo
2006-03-22 [zoloftzantac]: Can I help you?
2006-03-22 [RabidSphinx]: ...
2006-03-22 [zoloftzantac]: yes?
2006-03-22 [RabidSphinx]: i said MEOW!
2006-04-03 [individual thought]: can I be a guard?
2006-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: can I be a guard? :P >>;
2006-04-03 [zoloftzantac]: [individual thought]: nope sorry | [RabidSphinx]: That all depends on how well you do with your 'cyber' audition ... ;)
2006-04-04 [Ringbearer]: You mean the cyber with ALL guards in a group gangbang?? You werent supposed to say that in public.
2006-04-04 [RabidSphinx]: i would cyber battlefield till his "harddrive" crashes, but sorry Ringbearer, i hate you and wouldn't cyber with you to save all of EP...
2006-04-04 [Ringbearer]: I know, but I aint a guard, so it still can be done.
2006-04-04 [Beloved Promise]: i have a question... i don't even know if it's possible but to upload a movie (short clip) how would you do that? Is it possible to upload it onto elfpack or would you just need to use a url and have the link from your house?
2006-04-04 [zoloftzantac]: What you seem to be shooting for can't be done. You can't "show" clips in EP, you have to put a URL link to the clip.
2006-04-04 [Beloved Promise]: that's all i was asking... i wasn't sure because someone told me that i could. Sorry, this is my friend's account she's taking care of a bloody nose with the little kids... lol... the joy of hella hyper kids... Anyways, thanks for the quick reply. So just a link to where the clip is correct? Sorry for being such a bother
2006-04-05 [zoloftzantac]: you really shoudn't use your friends account, make one of your own, they are free after all ...
2006-04-05 [Sunrose]: Actually you can upload those kinds of files, but only if you are trusted with those priviliges. Since you have stolen artwork before, there's no chance they'd be given to you. Since only ownmade creations are allowed to be uploaded like that.
2006-04-05 [zoloftzantac]: I think she wanted to have the clip play on her house vs really uploading to any specific web space. Yeah, after I saw [Amalaswinta]'s comment I figured I would just say no.
2006-04-05 [Beloved Promise]: Well i was trying to get the clip onto a website and have it play when my little girl got a bloody nose so i had my friend come on... She used to have an account on here and she just stopped using it and now we can't remember it. By the way sunrose what are you talking about "you have stolen artwork before"? I don't know what you are talking about
2006-04-05 [zoloftzantac]: Do you really want to rehash this right here in public?
2006-04-05 [Beloved Promise]: It was implied that she would send me it in a message.
2006-04-05 [Sunrose]: Your story doesn't make any sense at all. Elfpack is not a hostingservice where you can upload things to put on another website. Why would you want to show a clip of your daughters bloody nose?? O.o And what has your friend with the lost account have to do with this at all??? // No, my answer did not imply I would send you a message. You are not even [Beloved Promise], you are eirs friend. [Beloved Promise] should know about the arttheft, since ey was messaged about it and warned. The records are on ey's house.
2006-04-05 [Beloved Promise]: what No it wasn't to put it on another website. It was to put on here but i found out that i'd have to upload it from another site so that question was answered. And when i asked you what you meant i would have liked the explination in a message. I haven't been around much lately. I am [Beloved Promise], but i haven't been around too much lately, i've been on to check SOME messages but i was never told about the arttheft that i supposedly did. But whatever, it's over with. It wasn't of my daughter's bloody nose.. it was a few friends of mine and her playing around. But whatever. Forget about it since you all are bugging about stuff that i didn't do. Oh well... I'm done. Sorry for being a bother
2006-04-05 [Sunrose]: If you want a personal explanation, it would be good to not ask for an explanation in public or at least make clear you want to receive it in messages. [Amalaswinta] has dealt with the arttheft, she didn't send you a message but I doubt she didn't let you know anything at all. I would have to investigate contestpages.
2006-04-05 [zoloftzantac]: It was the Elfpack's Snapshot Contest <URL:http:/
2006-04-05 [Beloved Promise]: yeah and i already explained to sunrose what had happened. Anyways it's done with so we'll drop it. Deal? Besides it's not illegal for me to link from my myspace to here if there is a video. And people who know me and actually take the time to read my wiki's and everything will know that they are filmed in my room and that the people in them are very dear to my heart. But it's over with. Sorry for being a bother to you all
2006-04-05 [RabidSphinx]: such headaches...is
2006-04-05 [zoloftzantac]: I guess you have been slacking lately because I haven't been hearing people complain about you ;)
2006-04-05 [RabidSphinx]: what? really? not that i have ever really gone out of my way to piss people off, but usually just being myself is enough...>>;
2006-04-18 [Ultiem]: Spelling detected the word Noticable needs to be noticeable
2006-04-18 [zoloftzantac]: yes, you are correct sir! thanks *fixes it*
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: Apparently
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: it's appriciated
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: I’m not saying its not
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: i <3 U
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: RD you’re losing the image
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: what image?
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: that tough girl image
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: oooohhhhh, okay....*kicks you in the nuts* shut up! ><
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: That’s the RD we all know and tolerate
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: *dances*
2006-04-19 [zoloftzantac]: gotta love her ;)
2006-04-19 [skullhead]: *Love* her nah I tolerate and like her spunk
2006-04-19 [zoloftzantac]: <3 RD
2006-04-19 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...damn straight! everyone <3's RD! >>;
2006-04-19 [Ihsahn]: mwahaha
2006-04-20 [skullhead]: yea mwahaha
2006-04-20 [RabidSphinx]: meow?
2006-04-21 [zoloftzantac]: <3
2006-04-21 [RabidSphinx]: *dances*
2006-04-21 [skullhead]: Go rd go shake it
2006-04-21 [RabidSphinx]: O_o...um, no...
2006-04-21 [zoloftzantac]: ahhwwwwww .....
2006-05-09 [~irish love~]: but i love that picure whyyyyyy?
2006-05-09 [Sunrose]: Because the artist has complained to us and does not want other people to use those images.
2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: Which is exactly what you were told when they were deleted .. "The artist who made these does not want them on elfpack."
2006-05-11 [RabidSphinx]: but that is so hard to understand...c
2006-05-11 [skullhead]: ...
2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: Dat pwetty pic is a no-no, mkay? swoorry
2006-05-12 [RabidSphinx]: ohhhhh! okay...i get it now!
2006-05-28 [Sunrose]: Amazing :P
2006-05-28 [RabidSphinx]: i've read them...>>
2006-05-28 [Sunrose]: Wow :p
2006-07-02 [Clever Sleazoid.]: I'm an elftown junkie >.> i wanted to see the differece in the rules =P dang this place has alot of freedom -runs in small circles- I'M FREE!
2006-07-02 [RabidSphinx]: *takes off my underpants* me too! *runs*
2006-07-03 [skullhead]: *Takes a photo of RD with no underpants* This one's a keeper! :P
2006-07-03 [kittykittykitty]: *makes videos of the event to sell on eBay* :P
2006-07-03 [RabidSphinx]: O_O taking advantage of a liberated woman? how dare you!
2006-07-03 [kittykittykitty]: It's fun ^__^ *takes off her own pants and runs with RD to increase the value of the tapes*
2006-07-03 [skullhead]: *Looks and Smiles… while the paramedics are trying to revive me *
2006-07-04 [RabidSphinx]: i'm free i'm free!!
2006-07-04 [kittykittykitty]: Skullhead take off your underpants too! We'll make £££££££s! :P (and by £££££££s I mean a lot of money)
2006-07-04 [skullhead]: @_@ that’s some good stuff you girls are smoking. What the hell, "When in Rome do as the Romans do"
2006-07-05 [zoloftzantac]: wow, two hot underpantsless Sarahs running around?!? *brain melts*
2006-07-06 [*A Shattered Heart*]: so even the guards have to obey the UAR...right?
2006-07-06 [kittykittykitty]: Yes, though I seriously doubt any of the guards would break the Uploading Art Rules...
2006-07-06 [zoloftzantac]: Everyone is supposed to follow the rules, what is it that you are upset about?
2006-07-06 [*A Shattered Heart*]: well...i heard a guard on elftown got away with copywirting a picture that my friends best friend drew and even though there was evidence Hedda didn't do anything about it
2006-07-06 [skullhead]: That’s interesting, to say the least
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: you know what else is interesting? this tanline on my crotch....
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: ---___----! That's not fair, who do they know when and where to hit it’s not fair! Ok RD you have my attention, what do you want?
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: ahhhhhhhh!!! say it one more time :P
2006-07-07 [zoloftzantac]: *thinks about [RabidSphinx]'s err ... 'tanline'* ;)
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: okay...lets stay to talking about the UAR...and not [raindrop]'s tanline.....*s
2006-07-07 [zoloftzantac]: Why? [RabidSphinx]'s crotch is way more interesting then the boring old UARs :p
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: of course...Va a quel paese! :P
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: i need some of that self-tanner down there to even things out
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: Need a hand ^o^
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: O_O
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: What! Can’t I be helpful ^__^
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: ;>_>
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: -.- ill be in my room if anybody needs me.
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: *dances around with newly removed tanlines*
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: i think you two should make a wiki about solving the abnormal problems that you guys approched and conquer
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: i came, i saw, i danced around nakid
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: i think, you should, get lost! ^^
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: ouch...RD is not feeling the love here
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: you like refering to yourself in the thrid person? ego much
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sorry...*is serious* have i done something to offend you in some way?
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: just talking about your tan line around your...you know...talking about stuff like that puts me in a bitter mood...srry for being an ass '^^
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: i'm joking...look at my picture, does it look like i have seen sun at any point in the last 3 years? and why be bitter? you envy my imaginary tan-line? i'm sure you could have one too if you tried hard enough
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: sun? whats that...living in ketchikan, ak you forget what sun is and when it comes out, the people hide from it
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: sunless tanners...tan-
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: I don’t see why that putted you in a bitter mood?
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: "putted"? :P
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: Dam I think it’s to late to make a tan-line contest
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: i hate talking about peoples bodies...and mine..its their body and i really hate to hear, speak, or even look at naked flesh...its grosses me out and makes me bitter
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: :P so sue me
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: Strange you look ok to me, (no disfigurements that I can see) and I love the glasses
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: i look okay to you? and i don't wear glasses
2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: i hate my body...doesn't mean anything
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: okay.....*look
2006-07-07 [skullhead]: What exactly happened to you in Elftown
2006-07-07 [*A Shattered Heart*]: why do you ask?
2006-07-08 [RabidSphinx]: we of Ep are curious creatures...
2006-07-08 [*A Shattered Heart*]: well...i used to break the UAR becuase i beleived that we could express ourseleves with art we could find anywhere...i never said i did it i just showed it...so i got banned and i confronted [Hedda] with it and about him favoring people and he wont talk to me at all anymore...hehe
2006-07-08 [zoloftzantac]: heh, well, you can't fight city hall, you can't reason with George W Bush and you can't beat [Hedda] in a war that takes place in his world ...
2006-07-08 [*A Shattered Heart*]: you can always fight city hall...but im with you on not reasoning with bush...he is way too stupid...but i sure can beat [Hedda] with the help with Ketchikan Natives!
2006-07-08 [zoloftzantac]: maybe ... until he just decides to ban all Kethikan IPs :p
2006-07-08 [Ringbearer]: I see this as fighting the gods... [Hedda] is god, mayor and surpreme ruler. No [Hedda] = no EP.
2006-07-08 [RabidSphinx]: hey, no bush bashing around me....thank you
2006-07-08 [zoloftzantac]: I don't know what your personal attachment is to him, he's no demigod, he is a falible man and in some ways he has failed. Just being an American does not mean you have to love the current American leaders, in fact, I would say it is my duty as American to question, critisize and challange our leaders. Why do you get so upset when some one says he is stupid? (Do you disagree about my statement that he isn't very reasonable?)
2006-07-08 [skullhead]: Ok RD see if you know this one, look for the word Failure in Google but use the I’m feeling lucky button.
2006-07-09 [*A Shattered Heart*]: okay...maybe bush, being the C average graduate he is, is not stupid but his decisons are...some people are losing hope and wondering wtf were doing in Iraq! if its for oil than i tink he is stupid all around.
2006-07-09 [zoloftzantac]: People have fought over control of resources and territory since the beginning, I think it is a way better reason to fight then religous differances or personal interests.
2006-07-10 [*A Shattered Heart*]: ture...but maybe the world's smartest scientist should try to make a reusable fuel source that doesn't hurt the earth and helps us progress
2006-07-10 [skullhead]: They already have its it’s a type of natural gas
2006-07-10 [*A Shattered Heart*]: coollio!...is it a renewable resource? and how much does it cost?
2006-07-10 [skullhead]: The cost is cheap at half the price of gasoline, it’s twice more abundant that gasoline and its ambientali friendly but don’t expect it on the market for a long time. Gasoline enterprises got it on hold
2006-07-10 [*A Shattered Heart*]: That sux. I think it will take even more time to make to Alaska
2006-07-10 [Spyro]: My friend [Waiting for Death] wanted to know if she could put a picture of her breastfeeding her son on her house...
2006-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not getting into a fucking debate with any of you....i'm just saying show some respect. is that so much to ask???
2006-07-10 [zoloftzantac]: It is asking too much for me, because I 100% believe that if his last name wasn't "Bush" there is no way he would be president right now, and I can't respect that.
2006-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: then message about it where it is appropriate, or to me...bashing him in this place is RUDE!!!!!!
2006-07-10 [Spyro]: K well i think maybe it was a bad time to ask about the pic... i'm sorry
2006-07-10 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... maybe I'm rude then *thinks and goes away*
2006-07-10 [*A Shattered Heart*]: im leaving forever
2006-07-10 [Spyro]: K thanks [skullhead] i just wanted to make sure because another friend of ours got banned from either here or elftown for a picture of her breast feeding her baby...
2006-07-10 [skullhead]: Its all cool but no funny business.
2006-07-10 [zoloftzantac]: I really doubt anyone ever got banned for a photo of breastfeeding, now they may have been banned if for some reason the photo was deleted by the guards and then she kept putting it back up, anyways, if that really happened on here tell me the name and I will look into it
2006-07-10 [Spyro]: i think it might have gotten deleted but they didn't tell her why so she put it back up once or twice and she was deleted. Thanks though guys.
2006-07-11 [zoloftzantac]: Well, no one can be deleted from Elfpack, if she was ever here than her house is still here. What was her user name?
2006-07-11 [Spyro]: It wasn't on here. It was on elftown but none of us use it anymore so it don't matter
2006-07-18 [Angel of Ice]: I'm sure I've asked this before but are ASCII images allowed on Elfpack? If they aren't then I can't find anything about them in the rules.
2006-07-19 [zoloftzantac]: You mean ASCII art? It is allowed, tho I personally think it is really tired and boring to see people cut and paste the same old thing all over the palce ... try to make some of your own, that would actually be cool :)
2006-07-19 [kittykittykitty]: Agreed! They're not so interesting when you see an image for the 50th time on a house, but original ASCII art is always better :D
2006-07-20 [Angel of Ice]: Thanks! and I agree, too. It gets dull after awhile.
2007-01-06 [bitch2k7]: elo can any of uz help me to make ma own folder for my house?:):) plz:)
2007-01-08 [zoloftzantac]: uh ... I can't understand you very well :\
If you would like to make a wiki page to show your art you can learn to create one by reading the wiki guide
2009-07-16 [Dark_ Possesion]: Soldier told me to upload this here.....
2009-07-16 [Ihsahn]: uhm.. why?
2009-07-17 [Ringbearer]: And who exactly....
2009-07-18 [Ringbearer]: Ehm let us remove it.... it doesnt belong here.
2011-09-09 [Stephen]: Bah.
I finally updated this damn thing.
2011-09-09 [De'ladrei]: Much better :)
2011-09-09 [Stephen]: Thanks. <3
2012-02-21 [sammie h!]: Mood-Content
Animated images, large or annoying images and hateful / discriminating text or imagery are not allowed in a mood and will be removed. Links to porn sites, or other adult-content will also be removed.
Wouldn't it be better as small animated images are aloud, as it will make more people happier
2012-02-24 [Stephen]: We actually have almost no issues with people putting any "illegal" images in their moods. No issues meaning people don't do it, not that we don't care.
The rules aren't exact set in stone, though. Everything is a case-by-case basis. If someone had a tiny image of a butterfly with glitter wings, I wouldn't remove it. =P
Ideally, we want to follow the ideas and concepts of the rules more than the exact wording. Generally, as long as something's not horribly annoying and isn't going to get Elfpack into major trouble for hosting it, we don't mess with things.
2012-02-25 [sammie h!]: So can I have a small animated image in my mood?
2012-02-25 [Stephen]: Yes. :P
Which I see you already do.
2012-02-26 [sammie h!]: Lol, I like it, it's cute
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