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2013-02-19 [Stephen]: I'm going to request changes to the .css stylesheet we're looking to push to have changed into the new index.
General font is a little too light, I believe it should be a slightly darker shade of green so it has better contrast. Try a shade more like #006600
The bright, seafoam green on widows like the new message window is too bright. I actually like Deg's idea of purples, so try making #AF56AF the background color.
2013-02-19 [Schlachter]: Isn't it a bit too soon to contemplate implementing this style sheet?
Added tasks, see above.
2013-02-19 [Stephen]: I don't mean for it to be a change right away.
However, ideally I would like the default index.css changed: That's always the biggest complaint I get about Elfpack. Greys and graphics.
2013-02-19 [sammie h!]: Yeah, it has gone out-dated, but you will have to confirm that with [Hedda] first as we don't want him blowing his fuse on you. :)
2013-02-19 [Schlachter]: Well, point was to get as many people saying "I approve" of this style sheet so the haters can just go hate themselves in a corner for hating.
I've been looking at Elfpack code, & honestly... I don't think [Hedda] gives a damn about this site. It pays for itself in ads... maybe a little bit more because it earns him clicks... & that's all. I'm more worried about haters.
2013-02-19 [Deg]: Well, point was to get as many people saying "I approve" of this style sheet so the haters can just go hate themselves in a corner for hating.
Sorry, this made me laugh. Well said, really.
But I agree, too early to talk about implementing changes. I don't wanna go off half cocked and start showing everyone an unfinished project. That will draw the haters by the tenth power. We just gotta keep plugging away. It'll come together eventually.
2013-02-19 [Stephen]: I'm not worried about the haters. I can keep a calm discussion with them regardless of how many come, and if they can't get me to yell at them, they just end up looking stupid.
I'm mostly concerned with making sure [Hedda] doesn't snap at me. :P
2013-02-19 [Deg]: I'm kind of concerned that maybe I don't know [Hedda] enough, which I can honestly say I don't at ALL. Why would he snap at you?
2013-02-19 [sammie h!]: I don't believe he will snap at you as you are only trying to do good for the site, so we will wait for your say so to implement it, we can always post a new article about changes we are currently doing can't we so it won't shoot us in the foot... as much. :0
2013-02-19 [sammie h!]: No, I don't beleive he won't, he doesn't snap easily so he won't.
He's a calm and gentle person........
2013-02-19 [Schlachter]: [Stephen]... one does not just talk to a hater XD lol
I guess you take yourself for Chuck Norris or something XD but even he can't roundhouse kick those haters back to Hatelande.
But last I checked, priv 1 can't even edit a style sheet directly. You know, we could just "hack" the site to look the same JUST for [Hedda] :3
I'm still more concerned about those haters than him...
But I think we should just wait for people to pick up this style sheet en masse because it is that good -- then [Hedda] will have no say in it anyways. In fact, I can add a tracker to tell us how many users are using our style sheet... good idea? Needless privacy invasions?
2013-02-19 [Schlachter]: Just illuminating the possibilities XD
Barely any of my ideas are usually good anyways lol
2013-02-20 [Stephen]: @Haters
Oh, I don't really want to make them go away. Just they don't directly bother me. They're discouraging, of course, but challenges and obstacles are meant to be overcome. Besides, I'm always happy to work on my people skills, and they help me fine tune those skills.
Generally, it's better safe than sorry. He can be pissed off easily when it comes to his trusted people doing things they shouldn't do; if I cross a line and he ends up revoking my siteboss rights, then this entire idea of redesigning Elfpack will be moot.
2013-02-20 [Deg]: Oh boy. Then let's avoid that, shall we? o.o
2013-02-20 [Stephen]: That's my thoughts.
If I bring a project idea to him with "We've had this worked on for this long, with this much support, can we do it?" He'll probably say yes.
2013-02-20 [Schlachter]: [Stephen]@Haters
Sure they don't affect you directly, but when they scare off your disloyal subjects members...
I agree. I don't think I can cough up a social site from scratch overnight...
2013-02-20 [Deg]: @[Schlachter]: Beating a dead horse about the haters, man. They're gonna hate no matter what. People gotta deal with them in any way they can, which basically adds up to "ignoring them". Or by being [Stephen]. :D
Plus, I don't think we're trying to do this overnight. I don't know where this is coming from? This is going to be a long journey. I haven't been able to do crap this week because of school. I mean, literally, we've been talking and doing renovations just looks-wise for about a week. This is far from over and no one is expecting it to be overnight...th
2013-02-20 [sammie h!]: Amen. :)
2013-02-20 [Schlachter]: [Deg] I will never surrender! Haters will be de-hate-ified!
Exactly & agreed. I was referring to if [Hedda] shut down the site. I think any change to Elfpack that is not explicitly available through privs should require consultation even IF we can hack it. But I will do whatever authorities decide on.
2013-02-20 [sammie h!]: I think we should wait for [Hedda]. :)
I have a feeling that I know what he will say. :)
2013-02-20 [Schlachter]: Well once we confirm what he says, then we can plan accordingly...
2013-02-20 [sammie h!]: Yep. :)
2013-03-11 [sammie h!]: [Schlachter] can you do the last one please? :)
2013-03-11 [Schlachter]: Sure.
2013-03-11 [Schlachter]: Done.
2013-03-18 [sammie h!]: oops sorry. :)
2013-03-27 [Stephen]: Since I'm here, thanks to Wiki Changes --
The logo in the upper corner looks horrible. It's not centered in the box, and it's also not the correct size.
2013-03-27 [sammie h!]: Hmm, we tried to correct that, what Browser are you using? :)
2013-03-28 [Schlachter]: I will correct it to be out of the way of the alarm tomorrow... *crosses fingers*
I have a day off on Friday XD yay!
2013-03-28 [Stephen]: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
2013-03-28 [Schlachter]: It should be okay now.
2013-03-28 [Stephen]: The positioning is much better now. :3
It still looks a little small for the upper bar, but the actual location is 100% better -- thanks!
2013-03-28 [Schlachter]: Well it also works with the alarm now.
If you give me dimensions I can correct it immediately.
2013-04-01 [Stephen]: Won't the dimensions vary depending on the browser resolution?
2013-04-01 [Schlachter]: No. These will be fixed. If you want me to vary them... then... that's another story...
2013-04-01 [sammie h!]: No i think he will want them fixed lol. :)
2013-04-04 [Schlachter]: You are like Stephen's mouthpiece lol
2013-04-04 [sammie h!]: Lol, great minds think alike lol. :)
2013-04-05 [Schlachter]: -.-'
2013-04-10 [Stephen]: *chuckles*
2013-04-14 [sammie h!]: Has anyone seen what happens when you put your Cursor over the logo? :)
2013-04-14 [kittykittykitty]: Is that intentional?
2013-04-14 [kittykittykitty]: Huh? o.O
Did you intend for the logo to wobble like that? And you do know white text against peach is illegible?:D
2013-04-14 [sammie h!]: I was just trying some stuff, and no, but I like it lol. :)
2013-04-14 [kittykittykitty]: Maybe now a few people are using this .css stylesheet, you could do the random testing on another page, in case they're online at the time of your testing?:P
2013-04-14 [sammie h!]: Good idea, though there is a warning that it is subject to change, could you tell me how many people are using it and what members? :)
2013-04-14 [kittykittykitty]: Well the warning is more like 'don't get too attached because we might improve some things' rather than 'the site may sporadically become unusable/unrea
I'm just guessing at how many are using it, maybe [Schlachter] could tell you that? He did say something somewhere about a tracker... uh... maybe it was in the deleted comments on the other wiki.
2013-04-14 [sammie h!]: ok.
2013-04-16 [Stephen]: <gb:135604>
I've been going from Mainstuff to a wiki to a house and to diary and guestbook pages, just looking and comparing. I like the sea green border/outer glow but it's a bit too thick I think. The side border and the top border might be best decided when all the colours used within the stylesheet have been decided upon and then the side border image could perhaps tie in with all or the main colours used and to accent the stylesheet as well. As far as the top border, perhaps a bit darker than what it is currently, with just a slight touch of the sea green or lavender colour (flecking perhaps?), which would depend, of course, on which colours are decided upon to be used in the stylesheet. This would add uniformity between the grey background in the boxed areas and the top border tying them in together and whatever colour is used to just touch the grey with, then use the same colour as the outline when a button is tickled.
It's hard to explain what I mean, but maybe I can drum up some images that will help to explain better. :P
2013-04-16 [Stephen]: @Sammie: Kitty is right, now that people are using this random experiments would be best on another page, we don't want to break the site. (o;
2013-04-16 [sammie h!]: Yeah, I will do that, how many members are using it now? :)
2013-04-16 [Faith.Hope.Love]: I've also been using Kitty's stylesheet and even though the colours are less intense, I like it. But.. I also like the Dynamic, too. So I'm not stating any preference of one over the other. However, I think uniformity is important and Kitty's stylesheet goes together very nicely and there's not any drastic differences when going from one type of page to another, say from Mainstuff to a wiki-page. ..And her borders tie in and accent the stylesheet very well. I think if you use too many colours, particularly contrasting ones, then the more can become less.
But... awesome work to Kitty and Sammie and Schlachter. :) I wish I could make a stylesheet, but it looks rather mind boggling to me. :P I can't even figure out how to make a page template. >.<
2013-04-16 [sammie h!]: The page has to end with .css, example, michelle.css
2013-04-17 [Faith.Hope.Love]: hehe If I could, I'd make a stylesheet with blues and a horsey feel. :P
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: Lol, you could, I taught myself, its not hard. :)
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Okay, here's my thoughts on the Stylesheet.
Before I'll talk to Hedda, I'd like these addressed. :P
2013-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: Regarding the third pic: they're not buttons in the default stylesheet too :S They should be buttons, I agree, but I don't think we can make them so.
2013-04-17 [Faith.Hope.Love]: I agree with too much glowing and Mainstuff doesn't need to be twinkling year round and too many colours detract rather than attract. Some points I've already stated.
But.. there is something I'd like to say about the Facebook like button, Google+ button, Stumble button, and the Share button. It might not be a bad idea to teach and encourage members to use these buttons. These can be excellent promotional tools. I do some networking, so I'll explain a little...
Let's say, I decide to use the Share button to "tweet a wiki-page" on Twitter. Okay, well, I have about or at least, 12 other online accounts that are connected to my Twitter account. So, whatever I tweet across Twitter, it then also goes to each and every place that I have connected TO Twitter, such as: my Facebook profile, my Facebook page, MySpace, WordPress, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Formspring, and several others. Anything I place as a status on Facebook, IT then goes automatically to Twitter and MySpace, because I've connected Twitter and MySpace to Facebook. ..And then of course, anything I send from Facebook to Twitter, then spreads out among the many other accounts I have connected to Twitter. Pinterest is a fast, upcoming and prominent site as well, which I also use in my networking. Google+ comes into play as well, but it has to be worked with via the Google+ button, because it is not included in the Share button. When I Stumble a link, it then goes over to Facebook, too, as Tumblr also does, and also Pinterest. ..And then there's Klout that has some well, klout, in the online world.
This may seem confusing, but it's not really. If I can get it, probably most anyone could. If anyone wants to know more and if I can provide more info, I'll be glad to "share". ;) :)
2013-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: You are right, we should be encouraging people to use them (or to create more content worth sharing). I can't find a way to hide them anyway, so either I'm incompetent or it can't be done with the stylesheets (or both) xD
My main problem with them is they're not all together... it's just a big mess of scattered buttons that nobody is looking at because it hurts the eyes ;~;
2013-04-17 [Faith.Hope.Love]: Well, they could be a little better lined up in a row for sure. If you visit any prominent website, you will most likely see up near the top and across horizontally several buttons, like Facebook, Tweet, G+, PinIt (for Pinterest), and so on. ..And also, a Facebook button to like their Facebook page and to follow them on Twitter is usually at or near the top of the pages of the site as well, and Pinterest is being increasingly pressed upon to follow too. The more times a site, an article, whatever, gets mentioned across the Internet, the better, because then the greater the audience, hence attention. To draw more people to Elfpack, first, more people need to learn not just about it, but even that it exists. :)
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: Very true. :)
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Short on time, so quick response.
It would suck if you cannot make the text buttons, but if you can't, then you can't I suppose. I can (probably) bother Hedda into doing it himself.
About the 50 different share options; I think promotional ideas are awesome, but I've had a lot of people tell me that Elfpack is extremely cluttered (Mainpage even moreso) and it keeps them from wanting to try out using wiki's and other features. I don't really blame them; half the time I have to look for the upload an image in the right hand bar, and I already know it's there. (I always upload in comments now because of that.)
I suppose they wouldn't need to be removed, but why not do the Facebook Like, the Twitter Share, and then the Share button for everything else. FB and Twitter are well-known and used enough I could see keeping those visible, but most of the others I don't know of anyone who personally uses them, so they're kind of clutter-like. Putting them in a share button would work well. ;3
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Also, if it would be possible to MOVE the delete wiki button (see <URL:stuff/
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: the only way I can get to that is with the Privs on a Tempory basis. :)
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: If you want the Reason why, its because i can't see them, so not seeing them means I will not be able to edit them. :)
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Well, perhaps someone with the privs to see them, such as Kitty, could help you out? :3
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: yeah, sure thing. :)
2013-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: [Stephen] moving/changin
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: OMG.
Green ticket box. I totally love you Kitty.
Love love. <3
Love love love. Green box. Nice green.
Love. :3
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: Lol let's see it. :)
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: <URL:stuff/
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: By the way, I think tans and greens is a nice color scheme. (;
It's a very Earthy feel, and most people like that. :3
2013-04-17 [Stephen]:
[Lina] made that a few days ago when I showed her the stylesheet; she mentioned she thought the upper border (where the navigation buttons are) is ugly and then made that as a possible rework of it.
So I'm submitting it. :P
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: So where is this going, also i will ask again, how many members are using our one now? :)
Also, Kitty, can you change the Background Shadows to Green, delete the ones that make the site look a bit Dipsy lol. x
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: she mentioned she thought the upper border (where the navigation buttons are) is ugly and then made that as a possible rework of it
the upper border (where the navigation buttons are)
Also: I have no way to tell who's using it, as we've stated before. :P
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: What Browser are you using?
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: .... What the hell does that have to do with anything?
It looks the exact same in Chrome, IE and Firefox. I just tested it.
I'm talking about THIS.
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Lina said if the image needs to be worked on, she can work on it and adjust it as needed. :P
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: I meant for me as I like your Browser lol, I tried to put it p and it wouldn't go up, I think my tiredness has kicked in. :)
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: Oooh, I'm sorry for snapping then. (:
2013-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: So much love! <3 But WHY DO YOU LOVE GREEN SO MUCH?! Don't think I didn't notice your little green invasion in my house either!
I really like that background :o Sparkly. Stephen you're meant to add your requests by the status thingie also:P
2013-04-17 [sammie h!]: Apology accepted lol, can you pm me a link to it as my Firefox is shit
2013-04-17 [Stephen]: My amazing [Lina] created a better background for the upper border thingy. She wanted one that looped better, so pls use this one. :3
2013-04-18 [WonderTweek]: YAY! Less grey! \o/
2013-04-18 [sammie h!]: Damn right, hope you like the new Stylesheet. ;) x
2013-04-18 [WonderTweek]: I do! :3
2013-04-18 [sammie h!]: Good, if you find a problem with anything, please let me know. :)
2013-04-19 [WonderTweek]: Okay :3
2013-04-19 [Stephen]: I don't think you have, if I'm wrong than I apologize; but can you apply the new image to replace the old one? :P
2013-04-19 [kittykittykitty]: I've fixed that now. Also Sammie, people have already let you know about several problems with the stylesheet that you didn't address yet -- the most important one being the animated donor border, since we stipulated there would be no animated images.
2013-04-22 [Stephen]: Thanks for fixing the Guard-reports box, Kitty. Also thank you for fixing the background upper box thing with the pretty one Lina made.
I'll put those screenshots on the request portion.
2013-04-22 [Schlachter]: I... am... going... to die...
I go for 11 days... LOOK AT THE ACTIVITY HERE!!! LOOK AT IT!!!
This is so much work! Can I PLEASE TRAIN SOMEONE!!!
2013-04-22 [sammie h!]: I can't do it just yet, I am helping move into his new flat, but when I can I will. :)
2013-04-23 [Faith.Hope.Love]: I have lots of time, but I don't have the know-how. :(
2013-04-23 [sammie h!]: Damn, you would be a good person to train though.
2013-04-23 [kittykittykitty]: Train for what exactly?:o
2013-04-23 [sammie h!]: To do .css and html.
2013-04-26 [Stephen]: Is it possible to hide the interesting people box? o3o
2013-04-26 [sammie h!]: [Schlachter] will be able to do it. :)
2013-04-26 [kittykittykitty]: Yes it can be hidden. You can do it Sammie :P .INTPER Though the interesting people box isn't so bad, useful even... until it stops being useful when you have inactive people on your friend/watchli
2013-04-26 [sammie h!]: So do I Put .INTPER hidden !importent; ?
2013-04-26 [Stephen]: inactive people on your friend/watchli
That's the reason I don't like it. ):
I just get inactive people suggested all the time.
2013-04-26 [kittykittykitty]: {display: none;} seems to work better. If you use {visibility: hidden;} you will not see the section, but it will still take up the same space.
2013-04-26 [sammie h!]: I will try it when I next get on. :)
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: [kittykittykitty] seems to be getting the hang of CSS like she was born for it XD
Just remember to get yourself all 5 major browsers to test in when you make changes.
I also need to train some Javascript girls/boys... this seems to be picking up VERY quickly & soon there is going to be a huge need for it. We could possible coordinate over skype or otherwise for some quick demos/training (PM me) maybe on a weekly basis (these demos can be uploaded and viewed by others) -- I WILL HUNT & KILL ANYONE WHO MAKES FUN OF MY GERMAN ACCENT THOUGH!!! D: XD
Does anyone have any art for me for the app or otherwise?
2013-04-29 [Stephen]: We're currently lacking in artists. [WonderTweek] is a pretty good artist, *cough*andheha
Skype sounds like a good idea.
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: Hah! Sure... I'll try not to give him all work sent my way XD!!!
I don't give you my word XD
Okay, this is going to have to materialize then in the coming few weeks. Or I can do an initial release on the Android platform with horrid graphics... then we can worry about correcting them after.
2013-04-29 [sammie h!]: I think it would be better waiting for it rather than an initial release, as it may put people off of it. :)
I can't get skype. :(
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: Maybe... well, I can try to make some infrastructure where a dev team could go and test it out first?
Seriously?? Why not?? Scotland Yard has you on a close-watch for posing as a mustached bad guy? XD All joking aside... SERIOUSLY??
2013-04-29 [Faith.Hope.Love]: Umm... if I knew, had a little idea, what art you need, my arm might be able to be twisted. Heck, I might even help you to twist it! lol
2013-04-29 [Stephen]: Seriously?? Why not?? Scotland Yard has you on a close-watch for posing as a mustached bad guy? XD All joking aside... SERIOUSLY??
That'd suck. o3o
Let's all do the twist. *dances*
Seriously speaking, it would be uh.. like the Facebook app, just Elfpack themed. :D? (No smartphone atm..)
2013-04-29 [sammie h!]: A friend of mine who is an app developer for Android said she will test it out for you. :)
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: Last I checked the Facebook app source code was not free...
neither was it's artwork.
[Faith.Hope.Love] well it seems like the Facebook app does something that most people are used to (& Stephen obviously loves it to the point he will dance for it)... would it be possible for you to replicate the look & feel/user interface of the app in terms of images?
[sammie h!] Sounds good... I'll let her have at it around 2nd week of May-ish...
2013-04-29 [sammie h!]: Ok, will you send me the link when needed so I can send it to her through a dm on twitter or text? :)
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: Sure thing!
2013-04-29 [sammie h!]: Thanks, it's just she will be away that week. :)
2013-04-29 [Schlachter]: Okay I'll send it the next then.
2013-04-29 [sammie h!]: Ok, thats fine, i may be able to get some others to test it to. :)
2013-04-29 [Faith.Hope.Love]: I'm probably asking a stupid question here, but can I see this Facebook app from my computer? :P
2013-05-02 [Schlachter]: That is a good question... unfortunately, you probably can't without setting up a simulation environment. If you're up for a painful few hours, I can walk you through installing the software to see it on your computer...
2013-05-23 [Deg]: I understand you guys are working really hard on this! Sorry I haven't been active in quite a while, school was really getting to me and drawing my attention away. I have more suggestions, though, and would like to get back on this!
Can I submit requests above, or am I seeing that there are no open spots right now?
2013-05-23 [sammie h!]: Just submit it by adding to it x. :)
2013-05-24 [Schlachter]: Feel free to add more slots seriously... we'll get to it eventually...
2013-05-24 [Deg]: Alright, coolio.
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