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2012-11-29 [kittykittykitty]: *shakes pompoms* Stephen for Queen of Elpa... hey, the page is empty >:(
2012-11-30 [Stephen]: rotfl
I'm moderating, I couldn't enter if I wanted to. How about KITTY for Queen of Elfpack?
2012-12-16 [Morgoth]: *preemptively clears off a spot on his mantle for where the Queen of Elfpack trophy will go*
2012-12-27 [GlassCasket]: Mort, i am not never going to vote for you.
2012-12-27 [Morgoth]: *breaks down and starts sobbing all over his royal gown*
2012-12-27 [Stephen]: Hm, that'll be a costly dry cleaning bill.
2012-12-28 [GlassCasket]: It's a double negative!!!
2012-12-29 [Morgoth]: YOU'RE a double negative! *violently blows snot into his royal gown*
2012-12-29 [GlassCasket]: then i am a positive? :D
2012-12-29 [sammie h!]: Ha Ha Ha u positive, errm let me just go to the hospital, think i'm gonna die of laughter *faints*
2013-01-26 [Schlachter]: I think there should be a requirement that anyone who does not log in at least once a month lose the title of Queen after they acquire the title.
2013-02-03 [Morgoth]: Remember, my constituents! If elected queen, I'll have your cake and eat it too!
2013-02-03 [Schlachter]: Can we have the icing at least? You don't want that part... it will make you fat & unqueenly...
2013-02-04 [Stephen]: 2013-01-26 [Schlachter]: I think there should be a requirement that anyone who does not log in at least once a month lose the title of Queen after they acquire the title.
I kind of like that idea.
2013-02-04 [sammie h!]: Same, shall we do a vote lol?
2013-02-05 [Schlachter]: [Stephen] Well it makes sense right? If they're not infatuated enough with Elfpack to take their role as queenie... at least once a month, I mean that should be automatic relinquishment of the title...
2013-02-05 [GlassCasket]: Why would we vote on something that is common sense?
2013-02-05 [Schlachter]: My meth is my common sense. & since I do not have any, I also do not have any. I vote for [Morgoth]... but only because he promises me meth.
2013-02-05 [Schlachter]: You know what? I would like to see everyone's face if someone like Lady Gaga signed up on Elfpack one day...bored shitless because it's not like there's much to do in California other than work.
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