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2013-02-05 [Schlachter]: You know what? I would like to see everyone's face if someone like Lady Gaga signed up on Elfpack one day...bored shitless because it's not like there's much to do in California other than work.
2013-02-05 [GlassCasket]: METH!!!
2013-02-05 [Stephen]: It'd be interesting to see Lady Gaga on Elfpack. xD
2013-02-05 [GlassCasket]: A bit strange...but perhaps fitting?
2013-02-05 [Schlachter]: [Stephen] thing is, it CAN happen. There should be a vote on who wants a celebrity to show up here (preferably a she) so we can harass & troll her & use her to our claim to fame -- as well as ensure all the other women here feel horribly inferior to her & start dating anorexia like real women should... no okay, I'm joking you're all beautiful people.
But who would think that would be a GOOD thing?
2013-02-06 [Stephen]: xDDD
That would be a very nice thing. I wonder if it would ever work out.
Although in theory, we'd want Opera (female) or Justin Beiber (Male).
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: I did not hear the mention of "Justin Bieber"...
absolutely NOT!
2013-02-06 [sammie h!]: Aaah hate him. :)
2013-02-06 [Stephen]: We all do. :P
But he'd certainty attract members. xD
2013-02-06 [sammie h!]: True, the younger version. (:
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: Okay... but that would force me to use the block button. I will have nothing to do with it! Do you hear me? I wash my hands clean of this...
2013-02-06 [sammie h!]: Ha Ha. :)
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: ... what have I done?? & to think I am the one who suggested this idea...
What have I done...
How did it come to this...
2013-02-06 [Stephen]: rotfl. xD
Isn't that always how it goes? Come up with an amazing course of action, suggest it, watch others and the people in power twist it into something terrifying and completely opposing your original idea? :3
2013-02-06 [sammie h!]: ha ha. :)
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: You can enjoy your fates of death-by-Biebe
This conversation is over. I do not know what you are talking about o.0' what idea? Who? Me? That's crazy talk!
2013-02-06 [Stephen]: Good solution, side-step the issue. ;3
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: Stop it! Stop it now!
o.0' *twitches*
I have no clue what you are talking about.
2013-02-06 [Stephen]: If Justin Beiber joins, I'll request that he personally sing you a song. <3
2013-02-06 [Schlachter]: You are sick!
Sick! Sick! Sick!
I don't want to hear it!
2013-02-07 [Stephen]: He can sing you his signature song, Baby. :P
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