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2011-08-16 [wolvie]: oh neat if I could draw half way decent I'd totaly enter this great idea ^^
2011-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: :o
2011-08-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *Stares blankly at the page*
2011-08-21 [Stephen]: No entries yet. =(
You should PM/Bug artists you know to try it out. [De'ladrei], [Eyes of the Reaper], Glen (I can't spell his screen name to save my life) are a few I know offhand.
2011-08-22 [kittykittykitty]: Entrees?:D Awww I guess that little fella in the corner finally needs a makeover!
2011-08-22 [Stephen]: xD I thought Entrees sounded cool.
2011-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: Are we keeping the koala on the left side?!? I still think he's cute!
2011-08-24 [Stephen]: There's currently no pending plans or contests to change or recreate him. No worries on that. :-)
2011-08-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: :o my job stephen! *thwaps* No, Kitty. I have no plans to make such contest unless someone can pull one out of their ass and make a better Koala, even then, it might not replace the current
2011-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: *gasp* you mean our job we where both hired on the crew to make contests :O * sniffs* I was forgotten abouts lol
2011-08-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *covers mouth* SHhhh don't correct Jimmy when he's half awake, he gets grouchy.
2011-08-25 [Stephen]: No one has a job JUST to make contests, everyone on the Council can do that. =P
Also, even if you do decide you want the Koala changed, that doesn't mean the rest of the Council will as well. Remember, we're a team and we all need to agree on something before it's done. =P
2011-08-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: ^Agreed
2011-08-30 [Stephen]: zzz We need entries. =(
2011-08-30 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: ^what he said
2011-08-30 [Stephen]: Hm, maybe I'll make one..
2011-08-30 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: DO IT DO IT
2011-09-05 [AuroraLumos]: ENTER CONTESTANT NUMBER 1! :D Hahaha. Don't you just love me? *super adorable grin* XD
2011-09-05 [Stephen]: Hahaha.
Thank you for entering! <3
2011-09-05 [AuroraLumos]: My pleasure ^_^
2011-09-05 [wolvie]: well i tried...it's horrendous though I might enter it anyway
2011-09-05 [Stephen]: You should! :)
2011-09-05 [wolvie]: fine just for the lolz xD i seriously can't draw and I tried then gave up
2011-09-05 [Stephen]: You'll get a badge, at least! ;)
2011-09-05 [wolvie]: nice :D sad thing is I really did try then got annoyed then was like (seriously after 30 mins) forget it I'll do it my way xD
2011-09-06 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: BOUT FUCKING TIME!
2011-09-06 [AuroraLumos]: What'd I say though (on the entree page) about one person doing it then BOOM ENTRIES. Not quite like that, though I wish I had, it would've had more of an effect maybe? (Idk... just ignore most of what I say, ever. I think with my fingers.)
2011-09-06 [Stephen]: .. xD
2011-09-06 [Stephen]: I ALREADY DID.
2011-09-06 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: << *Coughs at the poll*
2011-09-06 [Stephen]: xD
2011-10-01 [Amalaswinta]: sooooo do I need to bring out my koala again?
don't have any kangaroos, sorry ;)
2011-10-02 [Stephen]: Sure! Go for it. :D
2011-10-05 [Amalaswinta]: haha! that would be something, even more of me on EP...
snake, badges, koala on the left, entrance image, erm.... ;)
2011-10-05 [Stephen]: xD
Yeah, your art is everywhere on here. xP
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